This is a collection of my websites and onepagers. Also now has a blog!
You can visit the live website at:
Run python
for development and when you build your files.
Run python
to build your files.
Run python
to open a flask server to test your build.
The development server runs on port 5000 and test build runs on 5001.
- create a way to bundle html, css, javascript, and images to be uploaded on the server. Should compress images and code, remove extra spacing, remove line breaks, etc.
- create a way to generate sitemap.xml
- embed projects into page so they are more uniform to the website instead of opening in a new tab. Project would open a new page where it has a title and description at the top of the page and an iframe underneath with the project.
- embed fiverr gigs anywhere mixed in with the projects.
- add highschool/college website projects to page.
- call to action?
- about page should include what the website is about, about me (Austin), links to github, linkedin, other websites, etc.
- add links to github, linkedin, etc in the footer with icons next to each of them.
- create a favicon.ico maybe just a simple icon that like </>
- align blog post page and blog post list page to left and add an area to the right for an amazon ad
- add google analytics