BootStrap extended JS and animation components
Added new features to BootStrap components for further site developments.
To implement the new added features you need to:
- Copy the corresponding files (animations.css and components.js) to the folders CSS and JS
- Add the call to the files in the HTML code as depicted in the index.html
To implement smooth scrolling there are 2 options:
- Smooth scrolling from the navigation tabs
- Smooth scrollling from a content link
To the ul navigation tab list element, add the attribute data-animate="navbar-scroll"
and the job is done. Enjoy it.
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right" data-animate="navbar-scroll">
<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#our-services">Our Services</a></li>
<li><a href="#our-team">Our Team</a></li>
<li><a href="#news">News</a></li>
<li><a href="" class="btn bg-tertiary">Contact Us</a></li>
To the link anchor element, add the attribute data-animate="link-scroll"
and the job is donde. Enjoy it.
<a href="#copyright" class="color-primary" data-animate="link-scroll">Go to copyright
<i class="fa fa-arrow-down" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
<!-- Lots of content -->
<div id="#copyright">
To add animations or transitions to any HTML element and to fire/trigger the animation once the element is revealed in the window screen, just add the attribute data-animate="scroll"
Any element with this attribute will fire a "scroll" event and a class "active" will be added to it. Then with the "active" class added we can manipulate it in the right timing.
To the heading or block element, just add the attribute data-animate="scroll"
, and the class "ani-fade-top" to the class list. Once the element is revealed in the screen while scrolling it will fire the CSS keyframes animation.
<h2 class="sec-title text-center color-secondary">
<span data-animate="scroll" class="ani-fade-top">Our Services</span>
A variation on the previous animation would be to use the class "ani-fade-in" instead, which will only apply a "fade in" effect to the element, without the transition from bottom to top.
<h2 class="sec-title text-center color-secondary">
<span data-animate="scroll" class="ani-fade-in">Our Services</span>
Since the window listener will trigger the "scroll" event on each element with the corresponding attribute and add an "active" class to the element. Any new keyframes animation could be added to them for example:
- Move from left to right
- Move from right to left
- Fade in from left to right
- Fade in from right to left
- Scale in
- Scale out
- Shake it
... and so on, the sky is the limit.
To apply a counting animation to a number that requires the user attention/focus just add the attribute data-animate="counter"
to the element, and the class "ani-counter" to the class list. The animation will be triggered on the "scroll" event.
<div class="col-sm-3">
<div class="awards-item">
<span data-animate="counter" class="ani-counter">75</span>
Clients Worldwide
To apply a typing animation effect to a section title, just add the attribute data-animate="type"
to the element. The animation will be triggered on the "scroll" event.
<h2 class="sub-title color-secondary" data-animate="type">
A new subtitle with a meaningful content
From time to time, there is a requirment to add different states to elements when these are clicked or hovered, the only option available for clickable elements in BS is the "collapse" component, but tweaking the collapse classes and animation may cause a headache
Then whenever there is a need to add an "active/inactive" state to an HTML element and then manipulate the element with this new state, just add the attribute data-toggle="active"
to the element.
A "click" event JS listener will add a class "active" to the element class list and it will make it available to further manipulation.
Inactive State
<div class="flip-card" data-toggle="active">
<div class="flip-card-inner">
<div class="flip-card-front bg-tertiary">
<div class="card-front-head">
<!-- more content -->
Active State
<div class="flip-card active" data-toggle="active">
<div class="flip-card-inner">
<div class="flip-card-front bg-tertiary">
<div class="card-front-head">
<!-- more content -->
With the active state toggling you can also target an ID or a group of classes just by adding to the same element the attribute data-target="#our-team"
or data-target=".myclass"
. This will add an "active" class to the targeted elements.
In iOS browsers (Safari), to apply a :hover selector styling it is required to implement this to an anchor element <a>
, a workaround can be implemented with JS to regular blocks, forcing to add an "active" class to the hovered element and then manipulating the element with this active state.
To apply a hover active state, just add the attribute data-animate="hover"
to the element.
<div class="col-sm-4">
<div class="card bg-card-03" data-animate="hover">
<div class="card-cont">
<h3 class="color-tertiary">
A heading title
<!-- more content -->
The CSS to apply a transition to the hovering element would be as below: .card-cont,
.card:focus .card-cont,
.card:hover .card-cont {
-webkit-transform: translateY(0);
-ms-transform: translateY(0);
transform: translateY(0);
background-color: #61035D;
Notice the "active" class selector.
A live sample can be reviewed at: