Buti is a Python library that is responsible for bootstrapping applications. It offers a set of tools and abstractions that help developers manage the initialization and configuration of different application components in a systematic way.
We can create "bootable" components, each representing a distinct part of your application's setup process. Then, we can use a boot-loader to coordinate their initialization. This method encourages modularity, reusability, and separation of concerns, making your application more straightforward to develop, test, and maintain.
Fun Fact: Buti means 'boots' in Swahili
There are two operation modes, both work the same way, one is synchronous and one is asynchronous.
Synchronous: (Bootloader, BootableComponent)
Asynchronous: (AsyncBootloader, AsyncBootableComponent)
Example With FastAPI and Beanie ODM
Note: in a more complicated scenario, you might want to execute a certain procedure after the application boots, in that case BootableComponent has a post_boot method, which will execute after the whole application boots.
In this example, we are assuming that we have 2 components:
- config: the application configuration object
- beanie: the database object from Beanie ODM
In this example we are using 1 extra package which is:
- pydantic: using BaseSettings, which will attempt to read from the environment variables, validate and cast as needed; providing us with a clean, and reliable configuration object.
First we define application objects we need to access through the life-cycle, extending the ButiKeys.
class ObjectIds(ButiKeys):
config: str = "config"
beanie: str = "beanie"
Then we define the ConfigComponent, and the BeanieComponent
from pydantic import BaseSettings
from beanie import init_beanie
from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient
from buti import AsyncBootableComponent, ButiStore
from components.config import Config
class Config(BaseSettings):
STAGE: Literal["dev", "test", "prod"] = "dev"
DEBUG: bool = False
class ConfigComponent(AsyncBootableComponent):
async def boot(self, object_store: ButiStore):
config: Config = Config(_env_file=".env", _env_file_encoding="utf-8")
object_store.set(ObjectIds.config, config)
class BeanieComponent(AsyncBootableComponent):
async def boot(self, object_store: ButiStore):
# get the configuration manager and FastAPI from the store
config: Config = object_store.get(ObjectIds.config)
# Initialize the database connection
beanie_client = AsyncIOMotorClient(config.MONGO_URL)
await init_beanie(db=beanie_client[config.MONGO_DB_NAME], document_models=[])
# Store the database connection in the ButiStore
object_store.set(ObjectIds.beanie, beanie_client)
Now we are all set, let's boot the application!
import asyncio
from typing import List
from components.beanie import BeanieComponent
from components.config import ConfigComponent
from buti import AsyncBootableComponent, BootLoader
# make sure, you add the components in the right order, concerning dependencies
components: List[AsyncBootableComponent] = [
async def main():
# here we can optionally pass a ButiStore
bootloader = AsyncBootloader()
object_store = await bootloader.boot()