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Proxmox K3s IaC

This repo is a "guide" for using Terraform to manage/maintain K3s clusters within Proxmox. It can also be modified to manage general VMs or potentially RKE2.

Huge shoutout to andrewsgreene for the motivation and support. :-D


Initial Setup

For sensitive values, Terragrunt gives you the ability to use SOPS to encrypt/decrypt them so they can be stored in Git. For the same of simplicity, this is using GPG.

Creating a GPG Key

  1. Run gpg --gen-key and enter your name and email. When prompted for a password, just hit Enter to bypass setting one.

  2. Acquire the GPG fingerprint by running gpg --fingerprint and finding the entry that matches your name/email. It should be the 2nd line of the output for yoru entry, for instance:

pub   ab12345 2022-04-22 [SC] [expires: 2024-04-21]
      AB12 CD34 EF56 GH78 IJ90  KL12 MN34 OP56 QR78 ST90
uid           [ultimate] John Doe <>
sub   cv25519 2022-04-22 [E] [expires: 2024-04-21]
  1. Remove the spaces from your fingerprint, for instance this:
AB12 CD34 EF56 GH78 IJ90  KL12 MN34 OP56 QR78 ST90

Should be:

  1. Update the .sops.yaml file with your fingerprint.
- pgp: >-

Creating the Ubuntu CloudInit Template

You'll need to run the following commands on each of your Proxmox nodes in the cluster (or copy the template between):

cd /tmp
virt-customize -a /tmp/focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img --install qemu-guest-agent
virt-customize -a /tmp/focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img --run-command "echo -n > /etc/machine-id"
touch /etc/pve/nodes/prox1/qemu-server/9991.conf
qm importdisk 9991 /tmp/focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img local-lvm
qm set 9991 --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci --scsi0 local-lvm:vm-9991-disk-0
qm set 9991 --ide2 local-lvm:cloudinit
qm set 9991 --boot c --bootdisk scsi0
qm set 9991 --serial0 socket --vga serial0
qm set 9991 --agent enabled=1
qm set 9991 --name ubuntu-ci-template
qm template 9991

NOTE: For each Proxmox node, you'll need to increase the ID (aka, 9991, 9992, 9993, etc.). They are globally unique.

Installing to Proxmox


Under the clusters directory, you'll need to update the prox_creds.enc.yaml and ssh_creds.enc.yaml file with your values. Once updated, you'll need to run the follow commands to encrypt them with SOPS (ensure you've created your GPG key and updated the .sops.yaml):

cd clusters/
sops -i -e prox_creds.enc.yaml
sops -i -e ssh_creds.enc.yaml

General Cluster/node (No K3s)

For a general cluster/node that don't require K3s..

  1. Copy the general-example and update the terragrunt.hcl file with the values you need.

  2. Run the following in your directory:

terragrunt plan
  1. If that looks alright, run:
terragrunt apply

And type 'yes' when prompted.

Pure K3s Cluster

This will install K3s without a reliance on Rancher MCM. It pulls the K3s binary from Github. You can always register this cluster with Rancher MCM after provisioning through the UI.

  1. Copy the k3s-example/ directory to another directory.

  2. Update the cluster_secrets.enc.yaml with whatever join token you want and encrypt the file with:

cd clusters/name-of-your-dir/
sops -i -e cluster_secrets.enc.yaml
  1. Update the terragunt.hcl file with your desired values.

  2. In the directory that copied, go into it and run:

terragrunt plan
  1. Assuming all is expect, running:
terragrunt apply -y

Advanced K3s Cluster

For K3s clusters that need multiple agent nodepools with specific resources/labels/taints, you can use the k3s-advanced example.

  1. Copy the k3s-advanced-example/ directory to another directory.

  2. Update the cluster_secrets.enc.yaml with whatever join token you want and encrypt the file with:

cd clusters/name-of-your-dir/
sops -i -e cluster_secrets.enc.yaml
  1. Update the cluster_configs.yaml with the common values to be shared between your nodepools (ie. cluster name, dns servers, etc.)

  2. Update the terragunt.hcl in the controlplane, critical, and general directories with your desired values. You can adjust the nodepool directory names as you wish, as well as add more.

  3. Terrgrunt gives you 2 different ways to deploy multi-module TG:

  4. Deploy all together at once (less ideal, but quicker). Go into the parent-level of your copied k3s-advanced-example directory and run:

terragrunt run-all plan

If that looks right, run:

terragrunt run-all apply
  1. Deploy separately (safer, but takes time). Starting with the controlplane directory, then moving to each agent directory:
terragrunt plan

If that looks right, run:

terragrunt apply

Rancher Provisioned Cluster

This utilizes's Rancher's custom cluster creation to automatically provision your cluster. The only dependency is curl and upon creation, the cluster will be in Rancher MCM.

  1. Create a cluster in Rancher and acquire the Rancher token and checksum: (Provisioning Custom Cluster)[]

  2. Copy the rancher-example/ directory to another directory.

  3. Update the cluster_secrets.enc.yaml with whatever join token you want and encrypt the file with:

cd clusters/name-of-your-dir/
sops -i -e cluster_secrets.enc.yaml
  1. Update the terragunt.hcl file with your desired values.

  2. In the directory that copied, go into it and run:

terragrunt plan
  1. Assuming all is expect, running:
terragrunt apply -y

Updating resources

  1. Update the terragrunt.hcl file with updatable things (resources, controlplane/worker node count, etc.)

  2. Run terragrunt plan and make sure only expected values are updating.

  3. Run terragrunt apply and type yes.

Deleting clusters

  1. In the cluster directory, run terragrunt destroy.