A baseline method using BERT for entity normalization.
- nltk (conda)
- scipy (conda)
- pronto (conda install -c bioconda pronto)
- pytorch (conda install pytorch -c pytorch)
# To run W2V basenorm.py method:
- tensorflow (conda)
- gensim (conda)
If you plan on using the base method made using W2V, add the embeddings file in ./basenorm.
- Gensim Word2Vec embeddings file downloadable here
- basenorm.py : Base method using W2V embeddings with linear layer
- basenorm_bert_linear.py : Embeddings obtained using BERT instead of W2V. Linera layer.
score_BB4_onDev: 0.42131147540983604
time to completion ~3 min
- basenorm_bert_finetuned.py: Embeddings obtained using a fine tuned BERT instead of W2V.
score_BB4_onDev: ~0.0
(n=1, epochs = 50)
time to completion ~45 min
- basenorm_bert_finetuned_linear.py : Embeddings obtained using a fine tuned BERT instead of W2V followed by a linear layer.
score_BB4_onDev: 0.0069
(n=2, epochs = 50)
time to completion ~45 min
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