This document explains the generation, structure and content of the tidy_data.txt dataset, derived from the "Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Dataset Version 1.0".
The original dataset contains records from experiments involving 30 volunteers aged between 19 and 48 years. Each person performed six activities (WALKING, WALKING_UPSTAIRS, WALKING_DOWNSTAIRS, SITTING, STANDING, LAYING) wearing a smartphone (Samsung Galaxy S II) on the waist. Using its embedded accelerometer and gyroscope, 3-axial linear acceleration and 3-axial angular velocity were capturat a constant rate of 50Hz. The obtained dataset has been randomly partitioned into two sets, where 70% of the volunteers was selected for generating the training data and 30% the test data.
The sensor signals (accelerometer and gyroscope) were pre-processed by applying noise filters and then sampled in fixed-width sliding windows of 2.56 sec and 50% overlap (128 readings/window). The sensor acceleration signal, which has gravitational and body motion components, was separated using a Butterworth low-pass filter into body acceleration and gravity. The gravitational force is assumed to have only low frequency components, therefore a filter with 0.3 Hz cutoff frequency was used. From each window, a vector of features was obtained by calculating variables from the time and frequency domain.
Each record has the following data:
- Triaxial acceleration from the accelerometer (total acceleration) and the estimated body acceleration.
- Triaxial Angular velocity from the gyroscope.
- A 561-feature vector with time and frequency domain variables.
- Its activity label.
- An identifier of the subject who carried out the experiment.
The tidy_data.txt dataset was generated as follows:
- Download archive file containing the "Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Dataset Version 1.0" into the working directory.
- Extract the archived dataset.
- Merge the training and the test sets to create one data set.
- Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement.
- Uses descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set.
- Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive activity names.
- Creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.
This script requires the following R libraries.
## Attaching package: 'reshape'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:plyr':
## rename, round_any
## Attaching package: 'reshape2'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:reshape':
## colsplit, melt, recast
## gdata: Unable to locate valid perl interpreter
## gdata:
## gdata: read.xls() will be unable to read Excel XLS and XLSX files
## gdata: unless the 'perl=' argument is used to specify the location
## gdata: of a valid perl intrpreter.
## gdata:
## gdata: (To avoid display of this message in the future, please
## gdata: ensure perl is installed and available on the executable
## gdata: search path.)
## gdata: Unable to load perl libaries needed by read.xls()
## gdata: to support 'XLX' (Excel 97-2004) files.
## gdata: Unable to load perl libaries needed by read.xls()
## gdata: to support 'XLSX' (Excel 2007+) files.
## gdata: Run the function 'installXLSXsupport()'
## gdata: to automatically download and install the perl
## gdata: libaries needed to support Excel XLS and XLSX formats.
## Attaching package: 'gdata'
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
## nobs
## The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
## object.size
## Loading required package: grid
## Loading required package: lattice
## Loading required package: survival
## Loading required package: splines
## Loading required package: Formula
## Attaching package: 'Hmisc'
## The following object is masked from 'package:gdata':
## combine
## The following objects are masked from 'package:plyr':
## is.discrete, summarize
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## format.pval, round.POSIXt, trunc.POSIXt, units
Specify working directory in R. Fetch data from Extract into working directory.
setwd("C:/Users/ter053/ownCloud/Coursera/Getting and Cleaning Data/project") # Change path as needed
fileURL <- ""
download.file(fileURL, destfile = "UCI HAR")
unzip("UCI HAR", exdir = ".")
Next, load data files into R. Begin by reading activity description data into a data frame and assigning column names.
act_labels <- read.table("./UCI HAR Dataset/activity_labels.txt", header = F) # read in activity numbers and corresponding descriptions
colnames(act_labels) <- c("id", "description") # add header information (id used for merging later)
Read in variable names for training data measurements. Result is a list.
x_labels <- readLines("./UCI HAR Dataset/features.txt") # read in measurement header information
Load training measurement, activity and subject data into separate data frames and assign column names.
x_train <- read.table("./UCI HAR Dataset/train/X_train.txt", header = F) # read in source measurements
colnames(x_train) <- x_labels # add header information
subject_train <-"./UCI HAR Dataset/train/subject_train.txt")) # read in subjects
colnames(subject_train) <- "subject" # add header information
activity_train <- read.table("./UCI HAR Dataset/train/y_train.txt", header = F)
colnames(activity_train) <- "id" # add header information (use for merging later)
Combine subject, activity, and measurement training data into a single data frame. Replace activity number with activity description.
train <- cbind(subject_train, activity_train, x_train) # combine data frames horizontally
mrg_train <- arrange(join(act_labels, train), id) # replace activity numbers with descriptive strings
## Joining by: id
Load test measurement, activity and subject data into separate data frames and assign column names.
x_test <- read.table("./UCI HAR Dataset/test/X_test.txt", header = F) # read in source measurements
colnames(x_test) <- x_labels # add header information
subject_test <-"./UCI HAR Dataset/test/subject_test.txt")) # read in subjects
colnames(subject_test) <- "subject" # add header information
activity_test <- read.table("./UCI HAR Dataset/test/y_test.txt", header = F)
colnames(activity_test) <- "id" # add header information (use for merging later)
Combine subject, activity, and measurement test data into a single data frame. Replace activity number with activity description.
test <- cbind(subject_test, activity_test, x_test) # combine data frames horizontally
mrg_test <- arrange(join(act_labels, test), id) # replace activity numbers with descriptive strings
## Joining by: id
Cocatenate the training and test data. Remove unnecessary columns. Subset mean and standard deviation variables. Reorder according to subject.
combine <- merge(mrg_train, mrg_test, all.x = T, all.y = T) # create merged data set
combine$id <- NULL # remove 'id' as no longer needed
combine <- combine[, c(2, 1, 3:563)] # reorder columns
extract <- combine[, grep("mean|std|subject|description", names(combine))] # extract subject, activity description, mean and std deviations only
Use melt and dcast functions to reshape data - create data summaries sorted by subject and activity description.
melted <- melt(extract, id = c("subject", "description")) # generate skinny data frame
data <- dcast(melted, subject + description ~ variable, mean) # summarise data
data <- data[order(as.numeric(as.character(data$subject))), ] # sort on subject
Remove numerical references from measurement variable names. Save result as tidy data text file.
names(data) <- gsub("[[:digit:]]", "", names(data)) # remove numbers in measurement headers
names(data) <- gsub("[(\\)\\]", "", names(data)) # remove brackets
write.table(data, file = "./tidy_data.txt", sep = "\t", col.names = T, row.names = F) # generate tidy data set
Variables # describe variables
## Data frame:data 180 observations and 81 variables Maximum # NAs:0
## Levels Storage
## subject 30 integer
## description 6 integer
## tBodyAcc-mean-X double
## tBodyAcc-mean-Y double
## tBodyAcc-mean-Z double
## tBodyAcc-std-X double
## tBodyAcc-std-Y double
## tBodyAcc-std-Z double
## tGravityAcc-mean-X double
## tGravityAcc-mean-Y double
## tGravityAcc-mean-Z double
## tGravityAcc-std-X double
## tGravityAcc-std-Y double
## tGravityAcc-std-Z double
## tBodyAccJerk-mean-X double
## tBodyAccJerk-mean-Y double
## tBodyAccJerk-mean-Z double
## tBodyAccJerk-std-X double
## tBodyAccJerk-std-Y double
## tBodyAccJerk-std-Z double
## tBodyGyro-mean-X double
## tBodyGyro-mean-Y double
## tBodyGyro-mean-Z double
## tBodyGyro-std-X double
## tBodyGyro-std-Y double
## tBodyGyro-std-Z double
## tBodyGyroJerk-mean-X double
## tBodyGyroJerk-mean-Y double
## tBodyGyroJerk-mean-Z double
## tBodyGyroJerk-std-X double
## tBodyGyroJerk-std-Y double
## tBodyGyroJerk-std-Z double
## tBodyAccMag-mean double
## tBodyAccMag-std double
## tGravityAccMag-mean double
## tGravityAccMag-std double
## tBodyAccJerkMag-mean double
## tBodyAccJerkMag-std double
## tBodyGyroMag-mean double
## tBodyGyroMag-std double
## tBodyGyroJerkMag-mean double
## tBodyGyroJerkMag-std double
## fBodyAcc-mean-X double
## fBodyAcc-mean-Y double
## fBodyAcc-mean-Z double
## fBodyAcc-std-X double
## fBodyAcc-std-Y double
## fBodyAcc-std-Z double
## fBodyAcc-meanFreq-X double
## fBodyAcc-meanFreq-Y double
## fBodyAcc-meanFreq-Z double
## fBodyAccJerk-mean-X double
## fBodyAccJerk-mean-Y double
## fBodyAccJerk-mean-Z double
## fBodyAccJerk-std-X double
## fBodyAccJerk-std-Y double
## fBodyAccJerk-std-Z double
## fBodyAccJerk-meanFreq-X double
## fBodyAccJerk-meanFreq-Y double
## fBodyAccJerk-meanFreq-Z double
## fBodyGyro-mean-X double
## fBodyGyro-mean-Y double
## fBodyGyro-mean-Z double
## fBodyGyro-std-X double
## fBodyGyro-std-Y double
## fBodyGyro-std-Z double
## fBodyGyro-meanFreq-X double
## fBodyGyro-meanFreq-Y double
## fBodyGyro-meanFreq-Z double
## fBodyAccMag-mean double
## fBodyAccMag-std double
## fBodyAccMag-meanFreq double
## fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-mean double
## fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-std double
## fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-meanFreq double
## fBodyBodyGyroMag-mean double
## fBodyBodyGyroMag-std double
## fBodyBodyGyroMag-meanFreq double
## fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-mean double
## fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-std double
## fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-meanFreq double
## +-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
## |Variable |Levels |
## +-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
## |subject |1,11,14,15,16,17,19,21,22,23,25,26,27,28,29,3,30,5,6,7,8,10|
## | |12,13,18,2,20,24,4,9 |
## +-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
## +-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
File structure
file <- tempfile()
write.fwf(x = data, file = file, formatInfo = TRUE) # describe data format
## colname nlevels position width digits exp
## 1 subject 30 1 2 0 0
## 2 description 6 4 18 0 0
## 3 tBodyAcc-mean-X 0 23 6 4 0
## 4 tBodyAcc-mean-Y 0 30 9 6 0
## 5 tBodyAcc-mean-Z 0 40 8 5 0
## 6 tBodyAcc-std-X 0 49 9 6 0
## 7 tBodyAcc-std-Y 0 59 9 6 0
## 8 tBodyAcc-std-Z 0 69 9 6 0
## 9 tGravityAcc-mean-X 0 79 7 4 0
## 10 tGravityAcc-mean-Y 0 87 9 6 0
## 11 tGravityAcc-mean-Z 0 97 9 6 0
## 12 tGravityAcc-std-X 0 107 7 4 0
## 13 tGravityAcc-std-Y 0 115 7 4 0
## 14 tGravityAcc-std-Z 0 123 7 4 0
## 15 tBodyAccJerk-mean-X 0 131 7 5 0
## 16 tBodyAccJerk-mean-Y 0 139 10 3 2
## 17 tBodyAccJerk-mean-Z 0 150 10 3 2
## 18 tBodyAccJerk-std-X 0 161 9 6 0
## 19 tBodyAccJerk-std-Y 0 171 9 6 0
## 20 tBodyAccJerk-std-Z 0 181 8 5 0
## 21 tBodyGyro-mean-X 0 190 10 7 0
## 22 tBodyGyro-mean-Y 0 201 9 6 0
## 23 tBodyGyro-mean-Z 0 211 10 7 0
## 24 tBodyGyro-std-X 0 222 8 5 0
## 25 tBodyGyro-std-Y 0 231 9 6 0
## 26 tBodyGyro-std-Z 0 241 8 5 0
## 27 tBodyGyroJerk-mean-X 0 250 8 5 0
## 28 tBodyGyroJerk-mean-Y 0 259 8 5 0
## 29 tBodyGyroJerk-mean-Z 0 268 9 6 0
## 30 tBodyGyroJerk-std-X 0 278 8 5 0
## 31 tBodyGyroJerk-std-Y 0 287 8 5 0
## 32 tBodyGyroJerk-std-Z 0 296 9 6 0
## 33 tBodyAccMag-mean 0 306 10 7 0
## 34 tBodyAccMag-std 0 317 8 5 0
## 35 tGravityAccMag-mean 0 326 10 7 0
## 36 tGravityAccMag-std 0 337 8 5 0
## 37 tBodyAccJerkMag-mean 0 346 9 6 0
## 38 tBodyAccJerkMag-std 0 356 8 5 0
## 39 tBodyGyroMag-mean 0 365 9 6 0
## 40 tBodyGyroMag-std 0 375 8 5 0
## 41 tBodyGyroJerkMag-mean 0 384 8 5 0
## 42 tBodyGyroJerkMag-std 0 393 8 5 0
## 43 fBodyAcc-mean-X 0 402 8 5 0
## 44 fBodyAcc-mean-Y 0 411 9 6 0
## 45 fBodyAcc-mean-Z 0 421 8 5 0
## 46 fBodyAcc-std-X 0 430 9 6 0
## 47 fBodyAcc-std-Y 0 440 9 6 0
## 48 fBodyAcc-std-Z 0 450 8 5 0
## 49 fBodyAcc-meanFreq-X 0 459 10 3 2
## 50 fBodyAcc-meanFreq-Y 0 470 10 7 0
## 51 fBodyAcc-meanFreq-Z 0 481 10 7 0
## 52 fBodyAccJerk-mean-X 0 492 9 6 0
## 53 fBodyAccJerk-mean-Y 0 502 9 6 0
## 54 fBodyAccJerk-mean-Z 0 512 8 5 0
## 55 fBodyAccJerk-std-X 0 521 9 6 0
## 56 fBodyAccJerk-std-Y 0 531 9 6 0
## 57 fBodyAccJerk-std-Z 0 541 9 6 0
## 58 fBodyAccJerk-meanFreq-X 0 551 9 6 0
## 59 fBodyAccJerk-meanFreq-Y 0 561 10 3 2
## 60 fBodyAccJerk-meanFreq-Z 0 572 9 6 0
## 61 fBodyGyro-mean-X 0 582 8 5 0
## 62 fBodyGyro-mean-Y 0 591 8 5 0
## 63 fBodyGyro-mean-Z 0 600 8 5 0
## 64 fBodyGyro-std-X 0 609 7 4 0
## 65 fBodyGyro-std-Y 0 617 8 5 0
## 66 fBodyGyro-std-Z 0 626 8 5 0
## 67 fBodyGyro-meanFreq-X 0 635 9 6 0
## 68 fBodyGyro-meanFreq-Y 0 645 9 6 0
## 69 fBodyGyro-meanFreq-Z 0 655 10 7 0
## 70 fBodyAccMag-mean 0 666 9 6 0
## 71 fBodyAccMag-std 0 676 10 7 0
## 72 fBodyAccMag-meanFreq 0 687 10 7 0
## 73 fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-mean 0 698 10 7 0
## 74 fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-std 0 709 8 5 0
## 75 fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-meanFreq 0 718 10 7 0
## 76 fBodyBodyGyroMag-mean 0 729 10 7 0
## 77 fBodyBodyGyroMag-std 0 740 8 5 0
## 78 fBodyBodyGyroMag-meanFreq 0 749 10 7 0
## 79 fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-mean 0 760 8 5 0
## 80 fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-std 0 769 8 5 0
## 81 fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-meanFreq 0 778 10 7 0