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123 lines (107 loc) · 3.51 KB

File metadata and controls

123 lines (107 loc) · 3.51 KB





| - dist/               //- Generated by Webpack automatically
| - node_modules/
| - out/                //- Generated by build script automatically
| - public/             //- Global static assets
| | - index.html
| | - style.css
| - src/
| | - main/             //- Backend modules for the Electron app
| | | - main.ts         //- Entry point of 'electron-main'
| | - models/
| | - renderer/         //- Frontend React components for the Electron app
| | | - renderer.tsx    //- Entry point of 'electron-renderer'
| | - utils/            //- Common utilities
| - test/               //- Unit tests
| - .eslintrc           //- ESLint config
| - .gitignore
| - package-lock.json
| - package.json
| - tsconfig.json       //- TypeScript config
| - tslint.json         //- TSLint config
| - webpack.config.js   //- Webpack config


npm install


npm clean-install


rm -r ./node_modules
rm package-lock.json
npm install


Odpalanie serwera (React):

npm run dev

Odpalanie aplikacji (Electron) - w nowym oknie terminala

npm start

React automatycznie wykrywa zmiany w plikach, więc nic z nim nie trzeba robić. Żeby zobaczyć zmiany trzeba odświeyć Electrona w aplikacji (view/reload)


  • Błędy z typescripta - terminal gdzie działa server react
  • Błędy z Reacta / Electrona - konsola w view/Toggle Developer Tools w aplikacji



npm run build:mac


npm run build:win


npm run build:linux

Dodatkowe info co do budowania

** asar archiving is disabled by default in Windows build as it can cause errors while running the installed Electron app based on pervious experiences, whereas the macOS build with asar enabled works just fine. You can turn it back on by removing line 23 ("asar": false) in package.json. **

Extra options

The build scripts are pre-configured to build 64 bit installers since 64 bit should be the standard for a modern applications. 32 bit builds are still possible by changing the build scripts in package.json as below:

// from
"scripts": {
    "build:win": "electron-builder build --win --x64",
    "build:mac": "electron-builder build --mac --x64"

// to
"scripts": {
    "build:win": "electron-builder build --win --ia32",
    // Works only on macOS version < 10.15
    "build:mac": "electron-builder build --mac --ia32"

Builds for Linux, armv71, and arm64 can also be configured by modifying the build scripts in package.json, but those aren't tested yet. For details, please refer to documents of electron-builder.

Known issues

  • dmg build action on macOS Catalina (10.15) fails due to Apple ditches support for 32-bit apps from 10.15 onwards (Don't worry, you are still building 64-bit apps, just some dependencies of the builder are still 32-bit). Further details retailed to this issue can be found here.
    Application installer built on macOS is now set to build pkg file instead of dmg as a workaround in the current version. The issue can be fixed by applying a major version upgrade of electron-builder to 21.2.0+ but it hasn't been tested on this boilerplate yet. This issue is planned to be addressed alongside with major version upgrades on other dependencies.