run pip install thefuck
in terminal.
run sudo apt-get install aria2
in terminal.
- open Terminal in the directory where you want to download the file.
- type
aria2c -x16 "paste the link here"
in the terminal. - the file will be downloaded.
- Go to
and download the repo and extract it somewhere. - Copy the
file to home directory. echo ". ~/" >> ~/.bashrc
add this line in .bashrc file located in the home directory.
- cd around for a while to build up the db.
- use
z "keywords of the directory"
to move to any directory. - Note: What z does is make a database of where you go using cd command. so only the directories which you have gone using cd can be used in z.
sudo apt-get install elinks
- type
and browse!!
sudo apt-get install cowsay
sudo apt-get install xcowsay
cowsay hello
xcowsay hello
sudo apt-get install sl
sudo apt-get install fortune
figlet hello
sudo apt-get install pi
pi some integer
sudo apt-get install espeak
espeak "Hello We Are From GeekHaven"
url -u YourUsername:YourPassword -d status="Your status message"
sudo apt-get install aview
asciiview some_image.png -driver curses
- Debian based distribution:
sudo apt-get install screenfetch
- Fedora or CentOS:
yum install screenfetch
pip install --user youtube-dl
youtube-dl https:"youtube video link"
- Streams the content which is broadcasted via the domain.
Bettye Dunlap
799 Second St
Denver, CO 80202
(303) xxx-xxxx
- 'toilet Welcome'
pip freeze --local | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs -n1 pip install -U
sudo apt-get install lynx
- type
and browse!!
run sudo apt-get install axel
in terminal
- open Terminal in the directory where you want to download the file.
- type
axel "paste the link here"
in the terminal. - the file will be downloaded.
sudo apt-get install sl
- type
and watch the train!
sudo visudo
- Add
Defaults insults
at the end of the file and save it - Whenever you type wrong password while using sudo you will get to know the magic!!
sudo apt-get install cmatrix
- type
and watch the coolest screen ever!
sudo apt-get install cowsay
cowsay hello
yes <word which you want to loop>
- Example Usage :
yes HelloWorld
- type
- type the word you want to reverse
sudo apt-get install gem
gem install lolcat
- echo "Hello world" | lolcat
- fortune | cowsay | lolcat
sudo apt-get install gem
gem install lolcat
- echo "Hello world" | lolcat
- fortune | cowsay | lolcat
run pip install thefuck
in terminal.
- tldr man
- Does a shorter version of man that is much simpler to look at.
- In your terminal, run
apt-get moo
- grep 'nerdy' filename