Run parallel event-based numerical processes on a single host by defining NumPy-based data-emitting components. Inspired by transport-triggered processing and systolic arrays.
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This library provides a way of expressing numeric computations involving I/O as graphs laid out across processes.
Like many libraries for parallel task scheduling (Joblib, Ray, Dask, Airflow), it provides a declarative interface for constructing computation graphs.
However, I often found these libraries to be too much for what I wanted (running simple interdependent numerical codes in parallel) and sometimes imposed too many restrictions (e.g. statelessness). ndgpy
is not a replacement for any of those libraries, and simply provides a way to connect numerically valued subprograms with serialization-free interconnects on a single host, with transparent user-defined scheduling. It's really just a thin layer on top of asyncio
- inter-component communication using shared memory instead of serialization
- support for components requiring initialization-time resources
- support for components parametrizing other components (without triggering them)
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
- python >= 3.8
This has not been tested in all environments (especially Windows), so please report bugs.
- In local environment
pip install git+git://
- As a project dependency
# Add to `requirements.txt`
-e git://
There are three main components, named Emitter
, Router
, and Collector
(named for the legs of a transistor).
is a parent node in the graph which is executed repeatedly whenever possibleCollector
is a leaf node which executes whenever all its parents have executedRouter
is a node which is both anEmitter
and aCollector
and Router
, being the data-emitting components, have output types specified at initialization as NumPy structured data types. This allows the program to exchange data using shared memory rather than serialization, and is suitable in cases where internal states are of a fixed size and high throughput is desired.
Together, these components are strung together in a Layout
(data-flow graph), and pinned to specific processes ("execution contexts") by the user. This is especially useful if there are I/O-heavy and computation-heavy components, and it is desirable to avoid one blocking the other. Even graphs consisting of entirely computational elements can benefit from this layout, since it allows subgraphs to execute at their own intrinsic timescales (e.g., a parameter update process vs. a model sparsification process).
Consider the following example with a "fast" and a "slow" data-emitting process:
class Noise(Emitter):
''' This process emits random values every `dt` seconds. '''
def __init__(self, dt: float):
self.dt = dt
async def compute(self):
await asyncio.sleep(self.dt)
return np.random.uniform()
class Printer(Collector):
''' Prints received values '''
async def compute(self, *values):
class MyLayout(Layout):
async def setup(self):
# Declare a fast noise emitter on process 1
ctx1 = self.new_context()
noise1 = Noise(0.1)
printer1 = Printer()
await self.add(ctx1, [noise1, printer1])
await self.connect(noise1, printer)
# Declare a slow noise emitter on process 2
ctx2 = self.new_context()
noise2 = Noise(1.0)
printer2 = Printer()
await self.add(ctx2, [noise2, printer2])
# Enforce the second printer to depend on both emitters -- thus having the slowest throughput out of all nodes
await self.connect(noise1, printer2)
await self.connect(noise2, printer2)
Inspired by
Suppose we have an inverted pendulum with a mass (also called cart-pole) from which we can take noisy readings over I/O. We could perform state estimation & control in the same execution context, but these could be arbitrarily complex -- and while we're doing so, we might miss out on readings for other critical applications (in this case, logging).
This problem can be solved succinctly in ndgpy
by declaring the sensor and controller in different execution contexts, as defined in
state_type = np.dtype([('cart_x', np.float64), ('cart_v', np.float64), ('pole_theta', np.float64), ('pole_omega', np.float64)])
class Sensor(Emitter):
''' Reads out noisy samples of cart+pole state from environment '''
def __init__(self):
async def compute(self):
''' Obtain readings asynchronously '''
self.output['cart_x'] = await sense_cart_x() # Read over I/O
self.output['cart_v'] = await sense_cart_v()
self.output['pole_theta'] = await sense_pole_theta()
self.output['pole_omega'] = await sense_pole_omega()
class Observer(Router):
''' Estimates true state of the system using a Kalman filter '''
def __init__(self):
self.F = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 10, 0, 0]]) # Linearized system dynamics
self.Q = np.eye(4) # Covariance of process noise
self.R = np.eye(4) # Covariance of observation noise
self.B = np.array([[0], [1], [0], [1]]) # Control influence
self.x_t = None # Current state estimate
self.P_t = np.eye(4) # Current covariance estimate
async def compute(self, readout, control):
if self.x_t is None:
self.x_t = readout
# Pretend these computations are really expensive
K_t = self.P_t@np.linalg.inv(self.R)
dx_dt = self.F@self.x_t + self.B@control + K_t@(readout - self.x_t)
dP_dt = self.F@self.P_t + self.P_t@self.F + self.Q - K_t@self.R@K_t.T
self.x_t += dx_dt * dt
self.P_t += dP_dt * dt
self.output[:] = self.x_t[:]
class Controller(Router):
''' LQR controller sends outputs via I/O '''
def __init__(self):
self.F = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 10, 0, 0]]) # Linearized system dynamics
self.B = np.array([[0], [1], [0], [1]]) # Control influence
self.Qc = np.eye(4) # Quadratic state cost
self.Rc = np.eye(1) # Linear input cost
self.Kc = solve_ricatti(self.F, self.B, self.Qc, self.Rc) # Obtain optimal control gain
super.__init__([('control', np.float64)])
async def compute(self, estimate):
# Pretend these computations are really expensive
u = -self.Kc@estimate
self.output['control'] = u
await apply_control(u) # Write over I/O
class Logger(Collector):
''' Log the system states '''
async def compute(self, state):
await write_to_file(state)
class CartPoleSystem(Layout):
This system avoids missing out on logging readings by running expensive estimation/control operations in a separate context.
async def setup(self):
# Run sensor & logger on Context 1
ctx1 = self.new_context()
sensor = Sensor()
logger = Logger()
await self.add(ctx1, [sensor, logger])
await self.connect(sensor, logger)
# Run observer & controller on Context 2
ctx2 = self.new_context()
observer = Observer()
controller = Controller()
await self.add(ctx2, [observer, controller])
await self.connect(sensor, observer)
await self.connect(observer, controller)
await self.connect(controller, observer)
In this system, there is no serialization happening between Sensor
and Controller
even though they execute in parallel -- so we can use states of very high dimension without much cost. The latency between Sensor
and Controller
is constant, and is exactly cost of sending a single byte over IPC.
By inheriting the Resourced
class, we can define start-up and shut-down procedures. We use this to define the following node at any point in the graph as a measurement probe of throughput.
class Throughput(Collector, Resourced):
async def start(self, res):
self.start_time =
self.ctr = 0
async def stop(self):
delta = ( - self.start_time) / np.timedelta64(1, 's')
print(f'Throughput: {self.ctr/delta} / sec')
async def compute(self, values):
self.ctr += 1
Run python -m ndgpy.examples.throughput
or see the script.
For more examples, please refer to the Documentation (coming soon)
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.