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geoboundary v1.2

(09 Jan 2025)

A package for fetching country-level or global adminstrative boundaries from the following databases:

Please note that by using the data provided through this package, you are acknowledging the disclaimer.

All files are in the standard EPSG: 4326 (WGS84) projection.

The package uses globally standardized administration boundary classifications. They allows different systems to be combined together. Under this classification, ADM0 is always the country boundary, while ADM1 can represent provinces, districts, or other classifications depending on the country. For some countries data is available up to the 5th administrative depth or ADM5.

Note 1: GIS files are large and quickly accumulate. Please try and download exacly what you need. Please also avoid repeated downloading of the same datasets.

Note 2: If you are bulk downloading multiple datasets in directories where disk writing is slower than the download speed, then you might get return or I/O errors even if the file is valid. This could potentially occur if downloading directly on to cloud storage (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.), or using slower hard drives (e.g. 5400 rpm, non SATA etc.). In this case, either download the files somewhere else, or wait for the files to synchronize and try again.


The package can be installed via SSC or GitHub. The GitHub version, might be more recent due to bug fixes, feature updates etc, and may contain syntax improvements and changes in default values. See version numbers below. Eventually the GitHub version is published on SSC.

The SSC version (v1.1):

ssc install geoboundary, replace

Or it can be installed from GitHub (v1.2):

net install geoboundary, from("") replace

Additional code for the maps shown below:

ssc install schemepack, replace
set scheme white_tableau  

graph set window fontface "Arial Narrow"

Citation guidelines

Software packages take countless hours of programming, testing, and bug fixing. If you use this package, then a citation would be highly appreciated:

Click here for the latest SSC citation.

otherwise the following BibTeX citation can be used:

   author = {Naqvi, Asjad},
   title = {Stata package ``geoboundary''},
   url = {},
   version = {1.2},
   date = {2025-01-09}

The geoBoundary website citation guidelines suggests the following citation:

Runfola, D. et al. (2020) geoBoundaries: A global database of political administrative boundaries. PLoS ONE 15(4): e0231866.


Syntax for meta data:

geoboundary meta, [ country(list) iso(list) level(list) region(list) any(list) length(num) strict noseperator ]

Syntax for boundary data:

geoboundary ISO3 codes, level(string) [ convert name(str) replace remove ]

See help geoboundary for details.


Before starting, make sure you are in the correct directory where the maps files will be downloaded:

cd <mypath>

Meta data

The meta data syntax loads the geoboundary_meta.dta file from the GIS folder and parses it using fuzzy or exact regular expressions. If you would like the full overview, download the file directly from GitHub.

Let's find a country with iso3 code DOM:

geoboundary meta, iso(dom) length(20)				// search just iso3 codes
geoboundary meta, any(dom) length(20)				// search any of the data columns
geoboundary meta, any(dom) length(20) strict        // make the searches strict to exactly find the keyword DOM

The first expression return Dominican Republic, the correct iso3 country. The second expression does a fuzzy search and also returns Dominica (DMA), Dominican Republic (DOM), and United Kingdom (GBR). This is because any() searches all the columns and finds any possible match. We can also retrict it by specifying strict so that we ONLY find DOM in our searches.

Another example is searching for the generic term island:

geoboundary meta, any(island) length(15) nosep
geoboundary meta, any(island) length(15) strict nosep

The first expression returns any country with both island and islands, while the second one returns only countries that just have the name island.

Another example:

geoboundary meta, region(NA) length(15) 
geoboundary meta, region(NA) length(15) strict

where the first expression with return World Bank region North America (NA) and Middle East and North Africa (MENA). So uses these searches carefully.

Let's say we want to download a set of countries, e.g. in the ECA region, we can specify:

geoboundary meta, region(ECA) length(15) strict
return list

where return list will show us two locals r(geob) and r(gadm) or the list of countries that can be downloaded from either databases. These lists can be passed onto the command below.

Boundary data

Download the raw shapefiles in ESRI format:

geoboundary AUT DEU, level(ADM0 ADM1) replace

Convert them to Stata format:

geoboundary AUT DEU, level(ADM0 ADM1) replace convert

if you do not want to keep the raw shapefiles, that can be very large for very small finer administrative units, then the remove option is highlighy recommended.

geoboundary MEX, level(ADM0 ADM1 ADM2) replace convert remove

Global composite boundary can be downloaded as follows:

geoboundary WLD, level(ADM0 ADM1) replace convert remove

Plot the map

Once the files are downloaded we can see if they are working.

For Stata 16 or lower, we can use the spmap command:

use WLD_ADM0, clear

spmap using WLD_ADM0_shp, id(_ID)

For Stata 17 or higher, we can use the geoplot command:

geoframe create WLD_ADM0

geoplot (line WLD_ADM0, lc(black)), tight

A nicer example

If you have already downloaded global ADM0 and ADM1 boundaries, we can make a nicer map using the following code:

geoframe create WLD_ADM0
geoframe create WLD_ADM1

geoplot ///
	(area WLD_ADM1, color(white) lc(red) lw(0.02))	///
	(line WLD_ADM0, lc(gs3) lw(0.03))	///
	, tight project(robinson) background(water) grid(lc(white) label)	///
	title("Global ADM0 and ADM1 boundaries") ///
	note("Source: Accessed using the #Stata #geoboundary package.", size(1.8))

Downloading, coverting, merging, and plotting

Here is another example, where we download the DACH countries - Austria, Switzerland, and Germany, for three admin levels, and merge them together using the geoplot package (Stata v17+ only):

geoboundary DEU AUT CHE, level(ADM0 ADM1 ADM2) replace convert remove

geoframe create AUT_ADM0, replace
geoframe create AUT_ADM1, replace
geoframe create AUT_ADM2, replace

geoframe create CHE_ADM0, replace
geoframe create CHE_ADM1, replace
geoframe create CHE_ADM2, replace

geoframe create DEU_ADM0, replace
geoframe create DEU_ADM1, replace
geoframe create DEU_ADM2, replace

geoframe stack AUT_ADM0 CHE_ADM0 DEU_ADM0, into(dach0) replace
geoframe stack AUT_ADM1 CHE_ADM1 DEU_ADM1, into(dach1) replace
geoframe stack AUT_ADM2 CHE_ADM2 DEU_ADM2, into(dach2) replace

and plot

geoplot ///
	(area dach2 i._FRAME, lw(0.01) lc(white))	///
	(line dach1 i._FRAME, lw(0.04) lc(white))	///
	(line dach0 i._FRAME, lw(0.05) lc(black))	///
	, tight project(peters) grid

v1.1 examples:

Let's download Mexico's boundaries from both geoBoundaries and GADM:

geoboundary mex, level(all) replace convert remove name(geob_mex)
geoboundary mex, level(all) replace convert remove name(gadm_mex) source(gadm) 

and convert them to geoframes

geoframe create geob_mex_ADM0, replace
geoframe create geob_mex_ADM1, replace
geoframe create geob_mex_ADM2, replace

geoframe create gadm_mex_ADM0, replace
geoframe create gadm_mex_ADM1, replace
geoframe create gadm_mex_ADM2, replace

and let's plot the two:

geoplot ///
	(area geob_mex_ADM2, color(white) lc(red) lw(0.02))	///
	(line geob_mex_ADM1, lc(blue) lw(0.04))	///
	(line geob_mex_ADM0, lc(black) lw(0.1))	///
	, tight title("Mexico from geoBoundaries")
geoplot ///
	(area gadm_mex_ADM2, color(white) lc(red) lw(0.02))	///
	(line gadm_mex_ADM1, lc(blue) lw(0.04))	///
	(line gadm_mex_ADM0, lc(black) lw(0.1))	///
	, tight  title("Mexico from GDAM")

The maps look fairly similar but this does not mean that both the datasets give us the exact boundaries. Let's try another example by using the Gambia:

geoboundary meta, any(GAM) length(15)	 // get the iso3 code

geoboundary GMB, level(all) replace convert remove name(gadm_gmb) source(gadm) 
geoboundary GMB, level(all) replace convert remove name(geob_gmb)	
geoframe create geob_gmb_ADM0, replace
geoframe create geob_gmb_ADM1, replace
geoframe create geob_gmb_ADM2, replace

geoframe create gadm_gmb_ADM0, replace
geoframe create gadm_gmb_ADM1, replace
geoframe create gadm_gmb_ADM2, replace

and plot:

geoplot ///
	(area geob_gmb_ADM2, color(white) lc(red) lw(0.05))	///
	(line geob_gmb_ADM1, lc(blue) lw(0.1))	///
	(line geob_gmb_ADM0, lc(black) lw(0.2))	///
	, tight title("The Gambia from geoBoundaries")
geoplot ///
	(area gadm_gmb_ADM2, color(white) lc(red) lw(0.05))	///
	(line gadm_gmb_ADM1, lc(blue) lw(0.1))	///
	(line gadm_gmb_ADM0, lc(black) lw(0.2))	///
	, tight  title("The Gambia from GDAM")	

Both the maps look different. We can actually compare these by plotting the geoframes together:

geoplot ///
	(line geob_gmb_ADM2, lc(red) lw(0.2) label("geoBoundaries"))	///
	(line gadm_gmb_ADM2, lc(blue) lw(0.2) label("GADM"))	///
	, tight title("The Gambia: Geoboundary vs GDAM") ///
	glegend(layout(1 - 2) tsize(3.5))

where we see that the GADM data is more coarse than the geoboundaries data. There could also be differences in the number of regions or boundaries available from the two datasets.

World Bank's map layer

Download the layer using this standard code:

geoboundary WLD, replace convert remove source(worldbank) geoframe

and test it out:

geoplot ///
	(area WB_ADM0 i.REGION_WB, lc(white) lw(0.1) ) ///
	, ///
	tight ///
	project(robinson) background(water) grid(lc(white) label)	///
	legend(pos(7)) ///
	title("WORLD BANK's ADM0 boundaries") ///
	note("Source:", size(2))


Please open an issue to report errors, feature enhancements, and/or other requests.


The Geographic Information System (GIS) data provided herein is for informational/educational purposes only and is not intended for use as a legal or engineering resource. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data, it is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.

The data provided through this GIS package assumes no liability for any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in the data, nor for any decision made or action taken based on the information contained herein. Users of this data are responsible for verifying its accuracy and suitability for their intended purposes.

Please be advised that GIS data may be subject to change without notice due to updates, corrections, or other modifications. Users are encouraged to consult the original data sources or contact the provider for the most current information.

By accessing or using the GIS data provided through this package, you acknowledge and agree to these terms and conditions.

Change log

v1.2 (09 Jan 2025)

  • New option geoframe added to directly convert to geoplot frames.
  • World Bank's official ADM0 layer added to source(). See example above.
  • Improvements to code and better notes on ongoing background processes.
  • Better checks to avoid random program crashes.
  • Several bug fixes.

v1.1 (08 Dec 2024)

  • Added geoboundary meta for meta information. Returns locals that can be used for bulk downloading.
  • GADM database added.
  • Added source() to allow downloading from different sources. Currently the default is geoBoundaries or source(geoboundaries), while source(gadm) is currently the second option.
  • Lower cases are now allowed.
  • Various code optimizations.

v1.0 (25 Nov 2024)

  • First release