- Linux
- Python 3.10
- PyTorch 2.2.0+cu121
Our final approach is to merge the results of the test set using the GCN model, the Xgboost machine learning model, and the llm model (ChatGLM) after fine tuning.
Method | AUC |
GCN | 0.7687(test) |
Xgboost(before using oagbert) | 0.7993(test) |
(ChatGLM(title5000_venue2500) + ChatGLM(title10000))/2 | 0.78790(test) |
(GCN* 0.1+ Xgboost* 0.9)* 0.6 + (ChatGLM(title5000_venue2500)+ChatGLM(title10000))/2*0.4 | 0.8131(test) |
Clone this repo.
git clone https://github.com/virtualanimal/kdd2024race1rank4.git
cd kdd2024race1rank4
For Xgboost
pip install -r Xgboost/requirements.txt
pip install -r GCN/requirements.txt
For ChatGLM
pip install -r ChatGLM/requirements.txt
The dataset can be downloaded from BaiduPan with password gvza, Aliyun or DropBox. Unzip the dataset and put files into dataset/
Before training, we should normalize paper info and extract feature from paper info(title, abstract, auther name, auther org, keywords, veneu and year),those feature can be used in GCN method (That means you should first put dataset in the right place and use Xgboost's pre three commands). you can check the detail in Xgboost's README file and you can generate those feature (include scores and embeddings) by following Xgboost from step1 to step3。
This process may takes a lot of time, please be patinet. If you need, we will upload our processed file later.
Pretrained Model prepare
We use three word embeddding tools(includeing bge-small-en-v1.5、[sci-bert](allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased at main (huggingface.co)) and oag-bert, oag-bert can be donwload by tool cogdl(in Xgboost requirements.txt)), you should download those pretrained model and put them in
directory(except oag-bert and remember change download model name to bge-small-en-v1.5 and scibert ).
Run Method for KDD Cup 2024
We provide three Method: GCN, Xgboost, and ChatGLM [Hugging Face].
For Xgboost
Do feature engineering and train xgboost model to predict results at 10 fold
cd Xgboost
# step1: Preprocessing Data
python norm_data.py
# step2: Embedding vector
python encode.py
# step3: Get features
python get_feature.py
# step4: predict
python predict.py
or bash run.sh
Build graph relational data, train and predict results using gcn model.
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='?' # specify which GPU(s) to be used
cd GCN
# as same as Xgboost pre three command
#python norm_data.py
#python encode.py
#python get_feature.py
python build_graph.py
bash train.sh #include train and predict
For ChatGLM
Two fine-tuned ChatGLM checkpoint via Lora can be downloaded from ChatGLM-lora
fineturn with title(len=10000)
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='?' # specify which GPU(s) to be used cd ChatGLM bash train.sh accelerate launch --num_processes 8 inference.py --lora_path your_lora_path --model_path your_model_path --pub_path ../dataset/norm_pid_to_info_all.json --eval_path ../dataset/IND-test-public/ind_test_author_filter_public.json # multi-GPU python inference.py --lora_path your_lora_checkpoint --model_path path_to_chatglm --pub_path ../dataset/norm_pid_to_info_all.json --eval_path ../dataset/IND-test-public/ind_test_author_filter_public.json # single GPU
fineturn with title(len=5000)+venue(len=2500)
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='?' # specify which GPU(s) to be used cd ChatGLM bash train2.sh accelerate launch --num_processes 8 inference2.py --lora_path your_lora_path --model_path your_model_path --pub_path ../dataset/norm_pid_to_info_all.json --eval_path ../dataset/IND-test-public/ind_test_author_filter_public.json # multi-GPU python inference2.py --lora_path your_lora_checkpoint --model_path path_to_chatglm --pub_path ../dataset/norm_pid_to_info_all.json --eval_path ../dataset/IND-test-public/ind_test_author_filter_public.json # single GPU
merge two method result
cd ChatGLM python merge.py --first_json your_first_file_path --second_json your_second_file_path ----merge_llm_name your_merge_name
All Model Merge
python merge.py
├── ChatGLM
│ ├── arguments.py
│ ├── configs
│ │ └── deepspeed.json
│ ├── finetune2.py
│ ├── finetune.py
│ ├── inference2.py
│ ├── inference.py
│ ├── merge.py
│ ├── metric.py
│ ├── output
│ ├── README.md
│ ├── requirements.txt
│ ├── train2.sh
│ ├── trainer.py
│ ├── train.sh
│ ├── utils2.py
│ └── utils.py
├── dataset
│ ├── embedding
│ ├── feature
│ ├── graph
│ └── result
├── GCN
│ ├── build_graph.py
│ ├── encode.py
│ ├── get_feature.py
│ ├── models.py
│ ├── norm_data.py
│ ├── README.md
│ ├── requirements.txt
│ ├── train.py
│ └── train.sh
├── merge.py
├── model
├── README.md
└── Xgboost
├── encode.py
├── get_feature.py
├── norm_data.py
├── predict.py
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
└── run.sh
and in dataset/