Running the code : We can run the file. You just need to input whether you need the prediction to be “binary” or “multiclass”.
About the model: I have used the statement as well as the justification together as text input to train the model. I merged the statement and justification as a single text. First we use pre-trained 100 dimension Glove embeddings. This constitutes the first layer of the sequential model. Then we have used a 1D Convnet with relu activation, and filters =32. We added another layer of 1D convent with the same activation and filters = 64. Then we used Bidirectional LTSM with two layers(128, 64) and followed by a softmax layer, which has 2 or 6 neurons based on our input as “binary” or “multiclass”.
The accuracy can be improved by the following few measures:
- Using the metadata related to previous counts or true/fake statements of each speaker in both binary and multiclass.
- Using parallel BiLSTM as mentioned in paper might improve the results to a good extent.
- Using both training data and validation data to train our final model will improve accuracy to a minimal extent as well.
- Multiclass : 0.832
- Binary : 0.523