- I just want to give a go at visualization at the producer / consumer model with the traditional problem of thumbnail creation for every image uploaded in an S3 bucket. Also wanted to make a diagrammatic representation.
- I believe that a simple understanding of concurrencty models with any practice on threading or asyncio models will really help pick up this topic at easily and identify application scenarios.
Here is my first attempt at diagrammatic representation of the classic solution with AWS ( made @ cloudcraft.co )
This involves automatic generation of thumbnail for every HD image uploaded in S3 bucket
Read the AWS documentation on below topics
- Bus creation
- Event trigger policy
- Queue Creation
- Access Policies
- Send / Receive Messages, Purge Queue
- Visibilty timeout and its extension
- Delayed message
- Long polling
- Dead Letter Queue
- Redrive to source
- API calls
- S3 bucket is upload endpoint for HD images (naa-hd-image-source)
- Any putObject api call will trigger and add event in EventBridge bus
- SQS source queue (practiceQ) in same region will keep polling for messages from Resource ARN matching (naa-hd-image-source) bucket name
- SQS also has a Dead Letter Queue (practiceDLQ) for items that missed the ffmpeg processing within visibility timeout and after 3 retries
SQS practiceQ Access policy Statement for chosen bucket:
"Sid": "AWSEvents_HD-image-upload-trigger_Id9d1c69f9-18e1-42c1-a554-548d9e6a4331",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": "events.amazonaws.com"
"Action": "sqs:SendMessage",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:************:practiceQ",
"Condition": {
"ArnEquals": {
"aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:events:us-east-1:************:rule/HD-image-upload-trigger"
- EC2 or my Laptop will pull the message details, extract object name and download via AWS CLI
- Bash script will run on this file causing ffmpeg to reduce image to 64x64 pixels (PNG) thumbnail
- Upload the thumbnail to another S3 bucket with different lifecycle policy
- Generate preSigned URL for this new thumbnail and email it to subscribers via SNS
- Will post on Discord channel