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Turbocommerce is a demonstration of e-commerce backend and frontend built with Django/DRF and ReactJS.

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Turbocommerce is a full fledged e-commerce solution written with latest cutting edge technology. It absolutely free to use. It's written in python3, django3 and React JS with react-bootstrap. It uses Docker as a container, poetry for managing pip dependencies and yarn for managing react project dependencies.

API Documentation

If you already setup backend, you can see all the API documentation under You can try out APIs to experiment request/response.

How to setup, step by step guide.

  • Setup pre-commit

    • Setup pre-commit to keep code well formatted, it's recommended but optional unless you are contributing to this project. To read more check out pre-commit docs.
    brew install pre-commit
    pre-commit install
  • Setup .env files

    • Create a .env.local file based on .env.example file. This file includes environment variables that backend requires. You will need get your own AWS_S3_REGION_NAME, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Here is how to create the .env.local file.
    cd backend
    cat .env.example | tee .env.local
    • Similarly, You can create .env.development, .env.testing, .env.staging, .env.production.
    • Remember to word the file names exactly as mentioned above for smooth docker build experience.
  • Run backend api server and postgreql db

    docker-compose build backend
    docker-compose up
  • Build backend docker image with target environment

    # For local environment, using --build-arg is not required.
    docker-compose build backend
    docker-compose build --build-arg TARGET_ENV=local backend
    # For development environment
    docker-compose build --build-arg TARGET_ENV=development backend
    # For testing environment
    docker-compose build --build-arg TARGET_ENV=testing backend
    # For staging environment
    docker-compose build --build-arg TARGET_ENV=staging backend
    # For production environment
    docker-compose build --build-arg TARGET_ENV=production backend
  • Setup frontend

    cd frontend
    cat .env.example | tee .env
    yarn install
    yarn start
  • Add turbocommerce as a host (optional)

    • Open hosts file
    sudo vi /etc/hosts/
    • Press i when file opens
    • Add turbocommerce at the end of the file
    • Press Esc, type :x and hit Enter.
    • Open https://turbocommerce:8000

Useful commands

  • Run pre-commit on whole project

    pre-commit run --all-files
  • Run backend tests

    docker run --rm -it turbocommerce_backend bash ./
  • create docker postgresql db user

    docker ps # copy <container_id>
    docker exec -it <container_id> bash
    psql -U postgres -c "CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD 'password';"
  • Delete all data from postgres for a fresh start

    docker rm -f -v turbocommerce_db_1
  • Travis add secret environment variables

    • make sure to install travis, brew install travis
    • To login, travis login --pro --github-token <your_github_token, generate the github_token from here
    • To add a new secret env, travis encrypt --com SOMEVAR="secretvalue"
  • Copy file from local to AWS EC2

    • Example: scp -i <.pem file path> <path to turbocommerce/deploy/deploy_backend> ubuntu@

How to deploy backend (development env) ?

  • deploy deploy/deploy_backend

  • Login to ecr or docker hub

  • docker network create --driver bridge turbocommerce-network

  • docker run -dit --rm -p 80:8000 --network turbocommerce-network --name turbocommerce-container <ecr_repo_OR_dockerhub_repo_url>:<image_id> sh -c "chmod +x && ./"



For contributing, please have a look at this doc.


Turbocommerce is a demonstration of e-commerce backend and frontend built with Django/DRF and ReactJS.







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