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This repository has some beginner to intermeditate level Assembly programming which i learnt as a part of coursework. For all those who love assembly coding for different architechtures or for those trying to explore it. This will be updated fully by August 2021. Hope you all learn with me. Any changes/updates are welcomed.


  • linux/Windows os
  • gcc compiler
  • Visual
  • Rest can be installed as we require..You are ready to go.

Conversions Basics-

  1. Binary to decimal-Multiply each digit from right with powers of 2 starting from 2 till 2 since it is a 16 bit no.then adding each term.
  2. Hexadecimal To Decimal-Multiply each digit from right with powers of 16 starting from 16 then adding each term.
  3. Hexadecimal To Octal-First convert to binary then group of 3 digits from right (binary to octal)
  1. Count no of 1's in the given number.code
  2. Sum elements of an array and print on the std output handle.code
  3. Example that invokes a procedure named P with three integer parameters. The procedure adds the first two and multiplies it with the third. Procedure P is invoked with arguments 11, 22 and 33. The result returned by P is printed on the std output handle.code
  4. Program to add 2-byte integerscode
  5. Program to add 64-bit integers using the program to add 2-byte integers (using stacks)code
  6. Program to find no of 1s in a given number(ArmSim and C++)code
  1. Sum elements of an array and print on the std output handle.
  2. This program defines a procedure P, which takes three arguments using registers(r0-r2). It add the first two, and multiplies the result by the third argument.This program uses this procedure, and prints the result on std output handle

A cache of size S with CL as the number of cache lines and block size B is to be built. S, CL, and B are in powers of 2. Program that allows loading into cache and searching cache using

  1. Direct mapping code
  2. Associative memory. code
  3. n-way set associative memory where n is a power of 2.code

Micro-Assembly Programming Examples:

  1. Program to check if the value in r2 is a perfect square or not.
mmov regSrc,2,<read>
mmov A, regVal
mmov sr1, regVal
mmovi B,1
mmov A, B
mmov B, B <multiply>
mbeq aluresult, sr1 .true
mbgt aluresult ,sr1 .false
madd B,B#1
mb .loop
mmovi regSrc, 0
mmov regData, 1, <write>
mb .begin
mmovi regSrc,0
mmov regData, 0, <write>
mb .begin
mload IR
madd pc,4
  1. Program to check if the value in r2 is a palindrome or not.
madd pc, 4
mmovi regSrc, 0
mmovi regData, 1, <write>
mmovi regSrc, 2, <read>
mmov A, regVal
mmovi B, 1, <lsr>
mmov sr1, aluResult
mmovi regSrc, 2, <read>
mmov A, regVal
mmovi B, 1, <and>
mmov sr2, aluResult
mmov B, 1, <lsr>
mmovi regSrc, 2
mmov regData, aluResult, <write>
// stack push
mmovi regSrc, 14, <read>
madd regVal, -4
mmov mar, regVal
mmov mdr, sr2, <store>
mmov regData, regVal, <write>
mmov mdr, pc, <store>madd sr1, -1
mmov A, sr1
mmovi B, 0, <cmp>
mbgt .loop
mmovi regSrc, 3, <read>
mmov A, regVal
mmovi B, 1, <and>
mmov A, aluResult
mmov B, 0, <cmp>
mbeq .next
mmovi regSrc, 2, <read>
mmov A, regVal
mmovi B, 1, <lsr>
mmov regData, aluResult, <write>
mmovi regSrc, 2, <read>
mmov A, regVal
mmovi B, 1, <lsr>
//Divide by 2
mmov sr1, aluResult
mmovi regSrc, 14, <read>
mmov mar, regVal, <load>
madd regVal, +4
mmov regData, regVal, <write>
mmov sr2, ldResult
mmovi regSrc, 2, <read>
mmov A, regVal
mmovi B, 1, <and>
mmov A, aluResult
mmov B, sr2, <cmp>
mbne .false
madd sr1, -1mmov A, sr1
mmovi B, 0, <cmp>
mbeq .begin
//exit loop
mmovi regSrc, 0
mmovi regData, 0, <write>
mb .begin

Code for ALU in VHDL

  1. Basic operation ADD is implemented with overflow flags.
library IEEE;
entity ALU is
port (
A,B: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
ALU_Sel:in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
NZVC: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
Result: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end ALU;
architecture Behavioral of ALU is
signal ALU_Result:std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal ALU_ADD: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal C,Z,V,N,add_ov,sub_ov: std_logic;
ALU_ADD <= "000000000";case(ALU_Sel) is
when "000" => -- ADD
ALU_ADD <= ('0' & A )+ ('0'& B);
ALU_Result <= A + B;
when "001" => -- SUB
ALU_Result <= B - A;
<= ('0' & B) - ('0' & A);
when "010" => -- AND
ALU_Result <= A and B;
when "011" => -- OR
ALU_Result <= A or B;
when "100" => -- Increment
ALU_Result <= A + x"01";
when "101" => -- Decrement
ALU_Result <= A - x"01";
when others =>
ALU_Result <= A + B;
end case;
end process;
Result <= ALU_Result;
N <= ALU_Result(7);
Z <= '1' when ALU_Result = x"00" else
---Overflow flag
add_ov<= (A(7)and B(7) and (not ALU_Result(7))) or ((not A(7))and (not
B(7)) and ALU_Result(7));
sub_ov<= (A(7)and (not B(7)) and (not ALU_Result(7))) or ((not A(7))and B(7)
and ALU_Result(7));
with ALU_Sel select
V<= add_ov when "000",
sub_ov when "001",
'0' when others;
-- Carry out flag
with ALU_Sel select
C <= ALU_ADD(8) when "000",
ALU_ADD(8) when "001",
'0' when others;
NZVC <= N & Z & V & C;
end Behavioral;