Gradle plugin that prints the time taken by the tasks in a build. If you like it, consider becoming a
== Build time summary ==
:commons:extractIncludeProto | 4S | 14% | ████
:commons:compileKotlin | 2S | 7% | ██
:commons:compileJava | 6S | 21% | ██████
:service:compileKotlin | 1S | 4% | █
:webapp:compileKotlin | 1S | 4% | █
:webapp:dockerBuildImage | 4S | 14% | ████
:webapp:dockerPushImage | 4S | 14% | ████
See Gradle Plugin Portal for usage instructions.
You can customize the plugin as follows:
buildTimeTracker {
barPosition = BarPosition.TRAILING or BarPosition.LEADING, default is TRAILING
sortBy = Sort.ASC, Sort.DESC, or Sort.NONE, default is NONE
output = Output.CONSOLE or Output.CSV, default is CONSOLE
maxWidth = 120, default is 80
minTaskDuration = Duration.ofSeconds(1), don't show tasks that take less than a second
showBars = false or true, default is true
reportsDir = only relevant if output = CSV, default $buildDir/reports/buildTimeTracker
If you are using Kotlin build script, set the configuration properties using
, andOutput
are enums, so, they need to be imported or fully-qualified withcom.asarkar.gradle.buildtimetracker
ℹ️ The bars and percentages are rounded off such that the output provides a good indication of how long individual tasks took to complete relative to the build, but are not meant to be correct up to the milliseconds. Read this for details.
ℹ️ It is sufficient to apply the plugin to the root project; also applying to subprojects will result in duplication of the report.
- Java 17
- Gradle 7.3
This project is a volunteer effort. You are welcome to send pull requests, ask questions, or create issues.
This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
Copyright 2025 Abhijit Sarkar - Released under Apache License v2.0.