Briefly - it is the decentralised platform for bloggers and content creators. Nowadays, content in internet could be as valuable as profitable for creators. That's why our DApp main theme is to give ability for people to create content, but not being censored by big corporations. The problem of actual social medias is also the algorithm of content fitting. Often, the least worth content is gratified and being share for the most of society. Our software could solve it, by giving ability for people to create decentralised content and earning on them.
- Maksym Malicki
- Kamil Chmielewski
- Dominik Nuszkiewicz
We deployed our app on the hosting, and connect it with domain which we had.
You need to have Arweave wallet to use our app. You can connect with it or install by clicking "Connect with wallet".
Sometimes, app needs to be refreshed, after wallet adding process.
cd frontend
npm install
npm run start
Our project was created in Angular and Warp library to connect on Arwearve blockachain. We have also second repo for contract deploying:
The structure is simple - we have frontend in Angular and backend in one service which is combining whole functions as some kind of interface: