This tool optimizes the kubernetes workloads resource requsts and limits.
Say goodbye to resource underutilization and hello to a more efficient Kubernetes experience. Try k8soptimizer today and see the difference for yourself!
Optimizing Kubernetes resource management has never been more efficient! k8soptimizer empowers you to fine-tune your deployments, ensuring optimal performance and resource allocation. Leverage Prometheus metrics to make data-driven decisions, dynamically adjusting resource requests and limits for unprecedented efficiency.
This tool can run once or on a regular schedule (eg. every 2 oder 4 hours) and will adjust the resource requests and limits of your deployments based on the historical resource utilization data from prometheus.
- Supports static and dynamic deployments (hpa)
- static deployments get more resources assigned because they cannot scale out
- dynamic deployments get less resources assigned because they can scale out
- Support for cpu and memory resources
- The CPU requests are calculated based on a specified percentile of the sum of CPU allocations across all pods.
- Memory requests are determined by a specified percentile of memory usage, calculated from the average memory utilization across all pods.
- Memory limits are set based on a specified percentile of memory usage, derived from the maximum memory utilization across all pods.
- Analyze historical resource utilization data using prometheus as a data source
- Queries based on quantile over time which can be adjusted
- Look back one week and predict the resource utilization for the hours
- Look back 4 hours and compared it to one week ago to get a trend
- Automatically adjust deployment requests
- Increases memory requests and limits upon discovering OOM kills.
- Caps requests to 1 core for Node.js applications.
- Eliminates CPU limits following best practices (see
- Provides flexibility with various thresholds and configurable settings. (see configuration)
- Highly tested code using the Pytest framework.
- Can be executed as a Docker image.
- Supports configuration through environment variables.
- Helm Chart to run the k8skoptimizer as a cronjob in k8s
- Supports running together wtih hpa (they won't fight each other)
- Supports lower memory requests (there is no 256MB minimum as default)
- Forecasts todays with data from one week ago in order to account for different usage pattern based on weekdays
- Compares the last 4 hours with data from the last 4 hours a week ago in order to detect a trend
- Updates the deployment object instead of the crated pod
- Can also run as a cli command outside of the cluster
- Flux or other management might rollback the changes
- Support for auto discovery of additional runtimes whith specific limitations (python does not consume more than 1 core)
- Support for jvm discovery, maybe the memory request can be reduced (right now a java app would not lower memory consumption because it takes all it can get)
- Support for statefulesets and daemonsets
- Support for kubernetes events (to see oom kills and others useful events)
- Dynamic configuration based on namespace or object annotations
- Admission controller mode
- Better logging and alerting
# cli mode
# install prometheus operator
# apply rules from contrib folder
kubectl apply -f contrib/prometheus-rules.yaml
# port forward prometheus
kubectl port-forward -n monitoring service/prometheus-operator-kube-p-prometheus 9090:9090
# run k8soptimizer
python3 src/k8soptimizer/ -n default -v --dry-run
# Modify the configuration to your needs export NAMESPACE_PATTERN="default"
# cluster mode
# install rbac permissions
kubectl apply -f deploy/rbac.yaml
# modify config.yaml to your needs
kubectl apply -f deploy/config.yaml
# deploy the cronjob
kubectl apply -f deploy/cronjob.yaml
# trigger the cronjob manually or wait for the next schedule # verify the logs of the cronjob
The following environment variables can be used to configure the behavior of k8soptimizer.
- Default: http://localhost:9090
- Description: The URL of the Prometheus server used to query resource utilization metrics.
- Default: .*
- Description: A regular expression pattern to filter namespaces for optimization.
- Default: .*
- Description: A regular expression pattern to filter deployments for optimization.
- Default: .*
- Description: A regular expression pattern to filter container names for optimization.
- Default: http://localhost:9090
- Description: The URL for the Prometheus server.
- Default: 240 (4 hours)
- Description: The default lookback time in minutes for queries.
- Default: Computed based on a week minus DEFAULT_LOOKBACK_MINUTES.
- Description: The default offset in minutes for queries.
- Default: 0.95
- Description: The default quantile value for queries. A higher value will result in more resources being allocated.
- Default: 0.95
- Description: Default quantile value for CPU static configurations. A higher value will result in more resources being allocated.
- Default: 0.7
- Description: Default quantile value for CPU Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA). A higher value will result in more resources being allocated.
- Default: 0.95
- Description: Default quantile value for memory static configurations. A higher value will result in more resources being allocated.
- Default: 0.8
- Description: Default quantile value for memory Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA). A higher value will result in more resources being allocated.
- Default: False
- Description: Flag for dry run mode.
- Default: 0.010
- Description: Minimum CPU request value.
- Default: 16
- Description: Maximum CPU request value.
- Default: 1.0
- Description: Maximum CPU request value specifically for Node.js.
- Default: 1.0
- Description: CPU request ratio. Increase this value to allocate more CPU resources than historical usage.
- Default: 16 MB (1024**2 * 16)
- Description: Minimum memory request value in bytes.
- Default: 16 GB (1024**3 * 16)
- Description: Maximum memory request value in bytes.
- Default: 1.5
- Description: Memory request ratio. Increase this value to allocate more memory resources than historical usage.
- Default: 2.0
- Description: Memory limit ratio. Increase this value to allow more memory resources than historical usage.
- Default: 16 MB (1024**2 * 16)
- Description: Minimum memory limit value in bytes.
- Default: 16 GB (1024**3 * 16)
- Description: Maximum memory limit value in bytes.
- Default: 0.1
- Description: Threshold for change.
- Default: 0.1
- Description: Ratio for Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) target replicas. This value is limited by the hpa min and max settings. A setting of 0 would result in having only min pods running, a setting of 1 would result in having max pods running.
- Default: 240 (4 hours)
- Description: Trend lookback time in minutes.
- Default: 10080 (7 days)
- Description: Trend offset in minutes.
- Default: 1.5
- Description: Maximum ratio for trends.
- Default: 0.5
- Description: Minimum ratio for trends.
- Default: 0.8
- Description: Quantile value for trends.
- Default: INFO
- Description: Logging level.
- Default: json
- Description: Logging format.