Python SpikeGLX remote controller
Remote control for SpikeGLX recording software. Enables receiving and sending commands from other python processes over socket network to control SpikeGLX acquisition.
It can be the same computer running SpikeGLX or a different computer in the same network. NEW now also with Linux libraries from Bill.
SglxApi is provided by Bill Karsh and is included in this repository. To install or update the SpikeGLX-remoteCTRL package:
- On windows copy the *.dll into the API folder
- On linux: build the API by running in SpikeGLX-CPP-SDK/Linux and copy the resulting files into SpikeGLX-remoteCTRL/spikeGLX_remote/API
Sphinx documentation can be found here.
(Optional) Create and activate a conda environment
conda env create -n spike_glx_remote python=3.11
conda activate spike_glx_remote
Install the following python packages (preferably in a virtual environment):
git clone
cd spikeGLX-remoteCTRL
pip install -e .[GUI] # for GUI support
pip install -e . # for CLI only
There are 2 main ways to use this package: GUI and CLI. GUI may be more user-friendly, but requires PyQT6 dependencies.
To start the GUI, run:
python -m spikeGLX_remote.spikeGLXremote_GUI
To start the CLI, run:
python -m spikeGLX_remote.spikeGLXremote_ctrl
in this mode you can remotely connect to the server via sockets and transmit commands to SpikeGLX. For remote control, see here.
The CLI can also be used as a python module, for example:
from spikeGLX_remote.spikeGLXremote_ctrl import SpikeGLX_Controller
ctrl = SpikeGLX_Controller()
ctrl.save_path = 'C:\\path\\to\\save\\data' # set path 2 where SpikeGLX will save the data (should be a path on
# SpikeGLX computer)
if ctrl.ask_is_initialized():
ctrl.session_id = 'TestRecording' # set session name
ctrl.stop_recording() # stop recording
ctrl.disconnect_spikeglx() # disconnect from SpikeGLX
Describe here how to use socket utils to send out stuff.