While writing this Sendgrid Newsletter API client in ruby I noticed several flaws in their API conception. Something like, returning 401 Status code when resources cannot be found are pretty gross but anyway this client should be mostly complete (still work in progress, scheduling etc.).
gem install newslettre
this is definitely going to change since it's tedious to pass the client
instance around. Maybe there will be a top-level wrapper to give you
access to all the modules the API defines (Identity, Newsletter,
Right now it works like this…
require 'newslettre'
client = Newslettre::Client.new "somebody@yourdomain.com", "reallygoodpassword"
# Accessing newsletters
client.newsletters.to_a # => [{ "name" => "webdev" }]
client.newsletters.get("webdev") # => { "name", "subject" => "Latest Web Development News", "html" => "<html>...</html>" }
client.newsletters.delete "webdev"
# Accessing recipients of a newsletter
client.newsletters.get("webdev").recipients.to_a # => [{ "list" => "web-developers" }]
client.newsletters.get("webdev").recipients.delete "web-developers"
nearly the same goes for Identity
, Lists
, Lists::Email
and Letter::Recipients
You can also use #lists
and #identities
as well as the nested emails in recipient lists.
client.lists.get("web-developers").emails.delete "selective@hosted.com", "programmatic@failure.com"
Last but not least, to schedule an already existing newsletter:
client.newsletters.get("webdev").schedule! :at => Time.now
# to see when a newsletter will be delivered
client.newsletters.get("webdev").schedule # => Mon Sep 26 14:01:13 +0200 2011
# and to deschedule again
though it is still far from complete, if you'd like to help out please submit pull request with passing specs (or scenarios)
you will need to add a config/newslettre.yml
containing something like
username: "somebody@yourdomain.com"
password: "reallysecurepassword"
email: "info@yourdomain.com"
name: "Lennart Melzer"
address: "Where you live 15"
city: "Downtown"
state: "C"
zip: "12345"
country: "EF"
name: "test"
identity: "test-identity"
subject: "A letter to the world!"
html: "<html><body><h1>A rendered Headline</h1></body></html>"
text: "An unrendered Headline"
email: somebody@yourdomain.com
name: Some Body
email: someone@else.com
name: Someone Else
to make the specs pass