Extensions for Sentry. Includes GitHub, and HipChat.
Install the package via pip
pip install sentry-plugins
Run migrations after installation is complete
sentry upgrade
You'll have to create an application in GitHub to get the app ID and API secret. Use the following for the Authentication redirect URL:
Ensure you've configured GitHub auth in Sentry:
GITHUB_APP_ID = 'GitHub Application Client ID' GITHUB_API_SECRET = 'GitHub Application Client Secret' GITHUB_EXTENDED_PERMISSIONS = ['repo']
If the callback URL you've registered with Github uses HTTPS, you'll need this in your config:
If your server is behind a reverse proxy, you'll need to enable the X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-Host headers, and use this config:
Associate your account with GitHub (if you haven't already) via Account -> Identities. If you had already associated your account, and you hadn't configured extended permissions, you'll need to disconnect and reconnect the account.
You'll now see a new action on groups which allows quick creation of GitHub issues.
If you have multiple GitHub identities associated in Sentry, the plugin will just select one to use.
Go to your project's configuration page (Projects -> [Project] -> Issue Tracking) and select GitLab. Enter the required credentials and click save changes.
It's recommended to create a specific user for Sentry with only Reporter privileges on your projects.
Go to your project's configuration page (Projects -> [Project]) and select the Hipchat tab. Enter the required credentials and click save changes.
Create a tunnel to localhost using something like https://ngrok.com/download:
ngrok http 8000
Start Sentry with the following parameters set:
AC_BASE_URL=https://<xxx>.ngrok.io HTTPS=on sentry devserver
Enable the plugin by adding it in the Add-on Management page in JIRA.
Use https://ngrok.com to expose your local Sentry to the internet. Update your config.yml to use your ngrok url:
system.url-prefix: 'https://<xxx>.ngrok.io'
From the manage add-on page in JIRA, choose 'Upload add-on' and copy the URL for the descriptor view.