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ArtdaqDatabaseAPI findglobalconfigurations

Eric Flumerfelt edited this page Jun 17, 2022 · 1 revision


The find_global_configurations function returns a list of global configuration names satisfying the search criteria specified in the argument.
Users can retrieve a list of global configurations stored in the database in either a CSV or a GUI JSON format (see examples below).

<code class="cpp">
std::pair<bool, std::string> find_global_configurations(
  std::string const& search_filter);


search_filter - a non-empty string argument containing a JSON object whose members must conform to the database API grammar.


Returned value:

Returns a pair of a boolean and a string.

The first element of the pair is “true” if the function succeeded, and is “false” otherwise.

If the first element is “true”, then the second element of the pair contains a list of global configuration names satisfying the search criteria. Otherwise, the second element contains an error message.


The results in the GUI JSON format provide the “query” object that can be forwarded to the ArtdaqDatabaseAPI_build_global_configuration_search_filter function, which in its turn retrieves the composition of the global configuration returned in the “name” element.

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