Lightweight cookiecutter template which includes config files for Django, Django REST Framework and Vue JS.
If you don't have cookiecutter, install it:
pip install cookiecutter --user
Then create your project:
- Supports Django 2.0
- Django REST Framework already included
- Vue JS with configured Babel and Webpack:
- Vuex
- vue-router
- Create virtualenv
pip install virtualenv --user
cd <your-cookicutter-project>
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install python dependencies
# inside of virtualenv
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install javscript dependencies
# inside projects directory
npm i
- Build development bundle
# just build dev bundle
npm run dev_build
# rebuild on file change
npm run dev_serv
# build for production
npm run prod_build
- Initial migrations
python makemigrations
python migrate
- Runserver
python runserver