A python package to offload a function call to an http server running on localhost automatically using a decorator. Compatible with multiprocessing, pickle, flask, fastapi, async etc..
Imagine a case of a multi threaded or multiprocessing application where 1 or few functions are heavily resource (cpu or memory) intensive, but the other functions can run in parallel.
Example - an api call followed by tokenization and classification using a large DL model followed by further API calls.
In such a case, it would make sense to create a server (generally using torchserve or tfserving) to serve requests, and replace the function call with a post request to the server.
ServerHandler creates a synchronous server and replaces any calls to the function automatically during runtime.
Requests are made to 1 instance of a process running a http.server.HTTPServer which runs the function within it.
AsyncServerHandler is also available which makes the requests asynchronously.
Even calls made from different processes, threads, multiprocessing, flask, FastApi and async event loops are made to the same server process.
In general :
some code with a callable
can be replaced with an instance of Either ServerHandler or AsyncserverHandler that accepts the code as a string in it's first argument and the name of the callable as the second argument.
from auto_function_serving.ServerHandler import ServerHandler
callable_name = ServerHandler("""
some independent code with a callable
""", "callable_name")
Example :
import module1
import module2
def functionname(someinput):
a = module1.function1(someinput)
return module2.function2(a)
can be replaced with
from auto_function_serving.ServerHandler import AsyncserverHandler
functionname = AsyncServerHandler("""
import module1
import module2
def functionname(someinput):
a = module1.function1(someinput)
return module2.function2(a)
""", "functionname", port="Any")
Decorators (@AsyncserverHandler.decorator and @ServerHandler.decorator) and AsyncServerHandler details in more usage.
from auto_function_serving.ServerHandler import ServerHandler
callable_name = ServerHandler("""
some independent code with a callable
""", "callable_name", port=None, backend='Popen', wait=100, backlog = 1024))
- port
- if None, then the input code is hashed and a port is chosen from 50000 to 60000 using the hash
- if int, then int is chosen
- otherwise, a random open port is chosen
- backend - either 'Popen' or 'multiprocessing'. Popen Should be used in general.
- wait - approx max number of seconds to wait for the server to run. No waiting done if set to 0, default 100
- backlog - max number of backlogged requests before returning errors, python default is 5, but default in ServerHandler is 1024.
runs http.server.HTTPServer.
ServerHandler and AsyncServerHandler objects can be loaded and unloaded with pickle.
Uses Popen or multiprocessing to run the server.
Uses only a single external dependency (aiohttp), and only for async.
http, not https.
chooses a port based on hash of input. (unless specified otherwise)
Minimal code changes.
Should be compatible with almost all functions in almost all CPython envs. (Not sure where it could fail? Please add an issue if you find one.)
Memory leaks or errors (from the server) are extremely unlikely since it is minimal, single threaded, single process and a default component of python stdlib.
Exceptions cause 5xx errors without closing the server.
Even Separate Processes will make requests to 1 instance of the same server unless specified otherwise. (Because it's looking for a server on a specific port.).
Can specify otherwise by set the port to any free port so that a new ServerHandler object starts a new server.
http post requests : lightweight, few ms overhead, reliable.
Async is a good feature.
now with tests.
Having a string of code as an argument to a class is not pythonic, unless the decorator is used.
Importing inside functions is not ideal, even when the decorator is used.
http post requests : insecure, few ms overhead.
Exceptions inside the server are not sent back.
No batching.
No inbuilt logging. (Could be added).
Initialization delay of upto few seconds to start the server.
Async functions will not work on the server.
No auto server restart in case server closes.
May leave some resources locked for a while (<1min) if not closed properly.
Problems might occur if Popen or multiprocessing are not available.
Possible nested async errors with jupyter or other? Please look into nest-asyncio and the issues.
Warnings from somewhat hacky (but legit and completely functional) workarounds.
Closing of server process in del and atexit.redister(del) fail for some reason (tested and unlikely).
Use the package manager pip to install auto_function_serving
pip install auto_function_serving
Code for the server is stored in ServerHandler.base_code and some string formatting is used to fill in the blanks.
The server process is started with Popen (or multiprocessing if specified). The first thing it does is import socket and bind the port - if it's not available the code stops after an exception. Therefore only 1 instance of the server runs at a time on a machine.
We know the function is ready after we can receive a valid get request from the server.
Inputs and outputs are sent as bytes, converted to and from objects using pickle.
If port is None in while initializing (default), a port from 50000 to 60000 is chosen by hashing the input code to make it independent of the source of a function. Collisions of different functions are possible, but unlikely. The collision of the same function in multiple processes is used to make sure only 1 server process runs at a time. The port can be specified if needed.
overhead for small input and output (few bytes) -
~2ms for requests with urllib.request
~4ms for async requests with aiohttp.ClientSession
overhead for large input and output
~10ms for 0.5 mb input and output (1mb total transfer).
~60ms for 5 mb input and output (10 mb total transfer).
~600ms for 50 mb input and output (100 mb total transfer).
It can also be used with the provided decorator for functions with no dependencies outside the function.
from auto_function_serving.ServerHandler import ServerHandler
def someheavyfunction(args,**kwargs):
for i in range(big_number)
imports inside the function will work
from auto_function_serving.ServerHandler import ServerHandler
def someheavyfunction(args,**kwargs):
import numpy as np
from auto_function_serving.ServerHandler import ServerHandler
def someheavyfunction(args,**kwargs):
if not hasattr(someheavyfunction,'RunOnce'):
global np
import numpy as np
... etc
When the somemodule does not have any expensive global loading.
from auto_function_serving.ServerHandler import ServerHandler
from somemodule import someheavyfunction
someheavyfunction = ServerHandler.decorator(someheavyfunction)
Ip address can be changed by setting ServerHandler.ip_address (default "") before creating a new instance.
AsyncServerHandler is also available which uses aiohttp to make the requests asynchronously, for use with fastapi and other async use cases.
AsyncServerHandler has the same usage as ServerHandler, except calls need to be awaited or used with asyncio.run() or with asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete().
Number of async calls can be limited by setting AsyncServerHandler.TCPConnector_limit which controls the TCPconnector limit (default 100). Using Semaphore is also something to consider.
Libraries : Celery, Tfserving, Torchserve, Flask
Sending globals and locals to exec
ast trees
Pull requests are welcome.