A lightweight flexible tree widget.
- 🚀 Compatible with VanillaJS / React / Vue
- ✂️ Tiny size after gzip
- 🎊 Zero dependence
- 🎉 Events supported
npm i -S @widgetjs/tree
import Tree from '@widgetjs/tree';
<script src="path/to/tree.min.js"></script>
new Tree(treeContainer, parameters)
, returns initialized Tree instance.
- string - css selector of the tree container(document.querySelector
- object - options of the tree.
"id": "unique_ID",
"text": "node-0",
"attributes": {},
"children": [],
"checked": true
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | any | unique id | Required |
text | string | tree node label | Required |
attributes | object | custom attributes of the node | Optional |
children | array | children of current node | Optional |
checked | boolean | whether the node is selected or not | Optional |
const myTree = new Tree('#container', {
url: '/api/treeJson',
Name | Type | Description |
url | string | a URL to retrieve remote data,or use data |
method | string | http method(GET/POST), default 'GET' |
data | array | the json tree data |
values | array | ids which you want to check |
closeDepth | integer | expand level |
beforeLoad | function | invoke before the tree load data. Format raw data in this function. |
loaded | function | invoke after the tree load data |
onChange | function | invoke when the node status change |
const treeData = [
id: '0',
text: 'node-0',
children: [
id: '0-0',
text: 'node-0-0',
children: [
{id: '0-0-0', text: 'node-0-0-0'},
{id: '0-0-1', text: 'node-0-0-1'},
{id: '0-0-2', text: 'node-0-0-2'},
{id: '0-1', text: 'node-0-1'},
id: '1',
text: 'node-1',
children: [{id: '1-0', text: 'node-1-0'}, {id: '1-1', text: 'node-1-1'}],
const myTree = new Tree('#container', {
data: treeData,
const myTree = new Tree('#container', {
url: '/api/treeJson',
method: 'GET',
values: ['1', '2', '3'],
// only expand level 1 node
closeDepth: 1,
beforeLoad: function(rawData) {
function formatData() {
// do some format
return formatData(rawData);
loaded: function() {
// do something or set values after Tree loaded callback
// do not use arrow function `()=>` , if you use `this`, use function instead.
// this context bind current tree instance
this.values = ['0-1'];
onChange: function() {
Property | Type | Operation | Description |
values | array | get/set | selected values. |
selectedNodes | array | get | selected nodes data with attributes. |
disables | array | get/set | get disabled values, or set disable nodes. |
disabledNodes | array | get | disabled nodes data with attributes. |
// get
const values = myTree.values;
// set
tree.values = ['0-1'];
// get
const selectedNodes = myTree.selectedNodes;
// get
const disables = myTree.disables;
// set
tree.disables = ['0-1'];
// get
const disabledNodes = myTree.disabledNodes;
Event | Parameters | Description |
beforeLoad | current data | invoke before the tree load data |
loaded | null | invoke after the tree load data |
onChange | null | invoke when the node status change |
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