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439 lines (358 loc) · 13.5 KB

File metadata and controls

439 lines (358 loc) · 13.5 KB
import os
import warnings
from textclustering import utilities as ut
from textclustering import tfidfModule as tfm

#change operating folder      
#read the .csv data file using the dataProcessor class
rp = tfm.dataProcessor("../datasets/DataAnalyst.csv")
                                  Job Description  Company Name
-1                                            353           352
IT Services                                   325           325
Staffing & Outsourcing                        323           323
Health Care Services & Hospitals              151           151
Consulting                                    111           111
...                                           ...           ...
Chemical Manufacturing                          1             1
Pet & Pet Supplies Stores                       1             1
Consumer Product Rental                         1             1
Metals Brokers                                  1             1
News Outlet                                     1             1

[89 rows x 2 columns]
#create a flingTFIDF object around the pre-processed daa
ftf = tfm.flingTFIDF(rp.dataInitialSmall,'Job Description')

# tokenization, customizable

# get Term Frequency of each document, and store add it as an object, in a new column

# compute Inverse Document Frequencies across the entire vocabulary

# get TFIDF, and store it as a new column in data, tf-idf

# compute sum of all tf-idf values and add it as a new column
[ ================================================== ] 100.00%
Adding term frequency column based on stopsRemoved
[ ================================================== ] 100.00%
Computing list of words for IDF...

Created list of terms for IDF matrix with 27075  terms.

Computing global IDF matrix...

[ ================================================== ] 100.00%
Computing and adding TF-IDF column based on stopsRemoved
[ ================================================== ] 100.00%
# load dataset with tf-idf vectors and load pretrained GloVe word vectors
from textclustering import flingPretrained as pre
import pandas as pd

dataProcessed = pd.read_pickle('processFiles/data_tfidf_processed.pkl')
fdb = pre.flingPretrained(dataProcessed)

# adding glove vectors for every document
DBSCAN initialized!

Loading Glove Model

400000  words loaded!

GloVe Vectors Loaded!
# use DBSCAN clustering on the glove vectors loaded in the previos
from textclustering import flingDBSCAN as fdbscan

fdbscan1 = fdbscan.flingDBSCAN(,None,25,'glove')
flingDBSCAN initialized!

computing best distance
[ ================================================== ] 100.00%


Best epsilon computed on GLOVE = 0.6544420699360174 

initiating DBSCAN Clustering with glove vectors

[                                                    ] 0.04%
 ----  cluster_1_ assigned to 565 points! ----
[                                                    ] 0.09%
 ----  cluster_2_ assigned to 855 points! ----
[                                                    ] 0.18%
 ----  cluster_3_ assigned to 58 points! ----
[                                                    ] 0.31%
 ----  cluster_4_ assigned to 119 points! ----
[                                                    ] 0.53%
 ----  cluster_5_ assigned to 109 points! ----
[                                                    ] 1.07%
 ----  cluster_6_ assigned to 53 points! ----
[                                                    ] 1.91%
 ----  cluster_7_ assigned to 37 points! ----
[ =                                                  ] 2.26%
 ----  cluster_8_ assigned to 55 points! ----
[ ===                                                ] 6.79%
 ----  cluster_9_ assigned to 35 points! ----
[ =======                                            ] 15.85%
 ----  cluster_10_ assigned to 32 points! ----
[ ====================                               ] 41.59%
 ----  cluster_11_ assigned to 27 points! ----
[ ================================================== ] 100.00%
 11 clusters formed!
Cluster characteristics:
 -- vectors: glove
 -- minPts: 25
 -- EstimatedBestDistance 0.6544420699360174
 -- 11 clusters formed!
 -- 1945 points assigned to clusters!
 -- 308 noise points!

 -- 13.670661340434975 % noise!
# converting tf-idf into vectors

# clustering documents based on 
fdbscan2 = fdbscan.flingDBSCAN(,None,25,'tfidf')
flingDBSCAN initialized!

computing best distance
[ ================================================== ] 100.00%


Best epsilon computed on GLOVE-TFIDF = 1.4628292329952732 

initiating DBSCAN Clustering with tfidf vectors

[                                                    ] 0.04%
 ----  cluster_1_ assigned to 810 points! ----
[                                                    ] 0.09%
 ----  cluster_2_ assigned to 695 points! ----
[                                                    ] 0.31%
 ----  cluster_3_ assigned to 61 points! ----
[                                                    ] 0.93%
 ----  cluster_4_ assigned to 347 points! ----
[ =                                                  ] 3.86%
 ----  cluster_5_ assigned to 26 points! ----
[ =============                                      ] 26.14%
 ----  cluster_6_ assigned to 44 points! ----
[ ================                                   ] 32.45%
 ----  cluster_7_ assigned to 27 points! ----
[ ================================================== ] 100.00%
 7 clusters formed!
Cluster characteristics:
 -- vectors: tfidf
 -- minPts: 25
 -- EstimatedBestDistance 1.4628292329952732
 -- 7 clusters formed!
 -- 1995 points assigned to clusters!
 -- 258 noise points!

 -- 11.451398135818907 % noise!
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Job Description Company Name Industry stopsRemoved tfMatrix sumTFIDF glove-vector glove-clusterID tfidf2vec-tf tfidf2vec-tfidf tfidf-clusterID
0 Are you eager to roll up your sleeves and harn... Vera Institute of Justice\n3.2 Social Assistance eager roll sleeves harness data drive policy c... word tf tf-idf 0 data... 811.569328 [0.20507256798029552, 0.05984949950738914, 0.0... cluster_0_ [0.2986073091133004, 0.05040200935960588, 0.09... [0.26263354824176166, -0.023444644206149418, -... cluster_0_
1 Overview\n\nProvides analytical and technical ... Visiting Nurse Service of New York\n3.8 Health Care Services & Hospitals overview provides analytical technical support... word tf tf-idf 0 dat... 415.287583 [0.23643422682926837, -0.055056957317073156, 0... cluster_1_ [0.4055475764227641, -0.07285501829268287, 0.1... [0.35240058786555273, -0.1412004425681622, 0.0... cluster_1_
2 We�re looking for a Senior Data Analyst who ... Squarespace\n3.4 Internet we�re looking senior data analyst love mento... word tf tf-idf 0 data ... 439.815932 [0.155861351576923, 0.11735425461538473, -0.05... cluster_2_ [0.283220747730769, 0.14354892653846157, 0.044... [0.2563749918506738, 0.17575736117618113, -0.0... cluster_2_
3 Requisition NumberRR-0001939\nRemote:Yes\nWe c... Celerity\n4.1 IT Services requisition numberrr remoteyes collaborate cre... word tf tf-idf 0 � ... 569.217931 [0.2306739880813952, 0.09347254534883724, -0.0... cluster_2_ [0.29634610203488354, 0.10983982558139535, 0.0... [0.2966705423736133, 0.028126685382837024, -0.... cluster_2_
4 ABOUT FANDUEL GROUP\n\nFanDuel Group is a worl... FanDuel\n3.9 Sports & Recreation fanduel group fanduel group worldclass team br... word tf tf-idf 0 fanduel... 420.106719 [0.12914707201834857, 0.11582829587155963, 0.0... cluster_3_ [0.17368260871559627, 0.10919291513761473, 0.0... [0.021771101166884813, 0.16355587986765768, -0... None
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2248 Maintains systems to protect data from unautho... Avacend, Inc.\n2.5 Staffing & Outsourcing maintains systems protect data unauthorized us... word tf tf-idf 0 ... 43.940807 [0.2738081315789473, -0.001255321052631562, 0.... None [0.2949110263157894, 0.029555310526315794, 0.0... [0.23112386279259817, -0.08318866123802247, -0... cluster_4_
2249 Position:\nSenior Data Analyst (Corporate Audi... Arrow Electronics\n2.9 Wholesale position senior data analyst corporate audit j... word tf tf-idf 0 ... 439.042957 [0.2200468355481728, 0.10710706677740867, 0.04... cluster_1_ [0.3396034966777404, 0.09931764750830561, 0.09... [0.3077493047461843, 0.06387599003189207, 0.06... cluster_1_
2250 Title: Technical Business Analyst (SQL, Data a... Spiceorb -1 title technical business analyst sql data anal... word tf tf-idf 0 busin... 205.978695 [0.36188271052631577, 0.05400915065789475, 0.0... cluster_2_ [0.5060029144736842, 0.04490494473684211, 0.11... [0.45506833532863533, 5.3025424212786644e-05, ... cluster_2_
2251 Summary\n\nResponsible for working cross-funct... Contingent Network Services\n3.1 Enterprise Software & Network Solutions summary responsible working crossfunctionally ... word tf tf-idf 0 ... 364.177527 [0.25247974618181807, 0.07676844581818185, -0.... cluster_2_ [0.34654995709090924, 0.07137524545454547, 0.0... [0.27937433353352015, 0.08437047685035409, -0.... cluster_1_
2252 You.\n\nYou bring your body, mind, heart and s... SCL Health\n3.4 Health Care Services & Hospitals bring body mind heart spirit work senior quali... word tf tf-idf 0 data ... 366.509859 [0.23890638028806577, 0.1815799016460906, -0.0... cluster_2_ [0.3220337218518514, 0.22893831193415645, 0.07... [0.2850343471866271, 0.2451438898926933, -0.08... cluster_2_

2253 rows × 11 columns