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Hi! We're Dan and Jay. We're a two person team with a passion for open source products. We created Server Side Up to help share what we learn.
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All of our software is free an open to the world. None of this can be brought to you without the financial backing of our sponsors.

Financial Freedom is an Open Source Alternative to & YNAB. Your budgeting data should be owned and controlled by you -- no questions asked. Personal finance should be personal.
Just as our name says, you will have the freedom to do whatever you want in this application. Export your data, add your own features -- whatever you want to do. You own 100% of your data because you can host this application anywhere you want.
Everything about this application is open and free. Review the source code yourself and you'll fully understand your data will entirely remain as your own, running on any piece of hardware that you choose.
- ✅ Transaction tagging, splitting, line item management
- ✅ Integration with (coming soon)
- ✅ Simple and powerful budgeting and notification system (coming soon)
- ✅ Goal setting and timeline of achievemnts (coming soon)
One of the main goals of Financial Freedom is to develop a frictionless, easy to contribute to, open-source application. 100% of our roadmap, releases, documentation, and code will live in GitHub.
This is a very young project and we'll start organizing things as we go. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, feel free to open an thread on our community .
If you want to see a feature added to Financial Freedom, we'd love to hear it! Check out the guide on our community on how to submit a feature request →
If you experience a bug, let us know so we can fix it! Report a bug →
Code contributions are not only appreciated, but also encouraged. If you are curious about the internal structure of your app, head over to the wiki. We've done our best to document the internal structure of Financial Freedom so your friction from checking out the repo to submitting code is as minimal and easy as possible!
If you find a security vulnerability, please let us know as soon as possible.
View Our Responsible Disclosure Policy →
Coming Soon