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Repository files navigation


My personal .dotfiles repository.


  • git: git name, email configuration
  • nvim: neovim IDE-like configuration, lsp, autocomplete, ecc.
  • vim: basic vim config with some simple plugins for IDE and Editors vim-plugin (e.g. VSCode, IntelliJ, etc.)
  • tmux: terminal multiplexer configs, also contains some convenient scripts to use with Tmuxp
  • zsh: shell configuration, uses Antibody for the various plugins
  • alacritty: cool and minimal terminal emulator
  • i3-xorg: all the configs of my desktop environment, including i3, Polybar, Dunst, Rofi


Currently supported distros:

  • Arch Linux
  • Fedora
  • Ubuntu

There is a convenience script which hasn't been tested in a while, use it at your own risk! will install lua based on the packet manager available (also install brew on MacOS) and then run install.lua. install.lua will do the following:

  1. install dependencies
  2. set zsh as default shell
  3. use stow to create simlinks for all configurations
  4. create Antibody plugin bundle
  5. install Neovim plugins

Tmux Keybindings

  • <leader>S: opens fzf to select one of the folders inside ~/Repos/unitn
  • <leader>P: opens fzf to select one of the folders inside ~/Repos/personal
  • <leader>W: opens fzf to select one of the folders inside ~/Repos/work
  • <leader>C: opens fzf to select one of the folders inside ~/Repos/ctf
  • <leader>A: opens fzf to select one of the folders inside ~/Repos/*