Swapping nfts of a single collection.
: Get basic information about the marketplace, such as which NFT collections are allowed to list in the marketplace, and what percentage of fees are retained from Sales and Offers.
List{start_after, limit}
: Get a paginated list of all swap ids. Pagination is identical to cw721 enumerability (e.g. start_after strings), but all other paginated entry points use numeric page numbers (not start_after strings).
: Fetch details for a specific swap
SwapsOf{address, swap_type, page, limit}
: Get all swaps created by a specific address
: swap_type is optional. Get the total number of swaps, or the total number of swaps for a SwapType
/ 'Offer'
GetOffers{page, limit}
: Fetch all swaps of type SwapType::Offer
GetListings{page, limit}
: Fetch all swaps of type SwapType::Sale
ListingsOfToken{token_id, cw721, swap_type, page, limit}
: Fetch all swaps for a specific token ID; can optionally be filtered by swap type.
SwapsByPrice{min, max, swap_type, page, limit}
: Fetch all swaps within a given price range
SwapsByDenom{payment_token, swap_type, page, limit}
: Fetch all swaps for a given denom. Works for both native and cw20 denoms (e.g. ARCH, wARCH, etc.).
SwapsByPaymentType{cw20, swap_type, page, limit}
: Fetch all swaps by payment type (e.g. either cw20 payments or native ARCH)
: Create a swap
: Finalize a trade, consuming the swap
: Cancel a swap
: Update a swap
(see execute.rs
for some additional admin only functions)
: Message type or creating and finishing swaps
pub struct SwapMsg {
pub id: String,
pub cw721: Addr,
pub payment_token: Option<Addr>, // Optional cw20 address; if `None` create swap for `aarch`
pub token_id: String,
pub expires: Expiration,
pub price: Uint128,
pub swap_type: SwapType, // Enum with a value of either 'Sale' or 'Offer'
- Message type for cancelling a swap
pub struct CancelMsg {
pub id: String, // ID of swap to be cancelled
- Message type for updating a swap's price and expiration
pub struct UpdateMsg {
pub id: String, // ID of swap to be updated
pub expires: Expiration, // New expiration (see: https://docs.rs/cw20/latest/cw20/enum.Expiration.html)
pub price: Uint128, // New swap price (see: https://docs.rs/cosmwasm-std/latest/cosmwasm_std/struct.Uint128.html)