Implementation of the ACTS tracking software into the COMET Phase-II experiment.
This folder contains the required modules to perform track reconstruction using ACTS in the context of the COMET Phase-II experiment. The files starting with uppercase are essential for the reconstruction process, files starting with "track" are programs that contain the essential structure to perform the process in the name. How to run them is explained inside each file. Files starting with "final" are the completed programs to perform seeding, fitting, finding and reconstruction with realistic COMET data. The files containing the actual data are not given for privacy purposes. Finally, files ending in .c
are analysis tools that can give comprehensive plots from the output data of the aforementioned programs.
A helloworld.cpp program is present to make sure that all the modules work fine.
Compile the code:
Logger.cpp KalmanFitting.cpp Writer.cpp Estimator.cpp -o helloworld.x
-L/path/to/acts_install/lib -lActsPluginTGeo -lActsPluginJson -lActsCore
-I/path/to/acts_install/include/ -I$(root-config --incdir)
-I$(root-config --evelibs) $(root-config --libs)
-lGeom -I/usr/include/eigen3
And run the code:
Each program requires input files in the form of .root
files. Please do look into the required files and create them as needed.
ACTS 28.2.0 (and dependencies)
ROOT 6.28/04 or newer.
ACTS is a fast-changing toolkit, the code here presented might have some syntax differences from the current version. Some little code updates might be required to execute the programs.
Apache License 2.0
Date: September 25 2023