diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 593cfe6..ebbdcf5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -339,30 +339,30 @@ Click on the image to open a web view with the full guide.
| Command Name | Description |
| --- | --- |
-|`spawn_split` | Launch the provided `program` into a new window that splits the currently
focused window along the specified `axis`.
The program to launch.
The axis along which to split the currently focused window. Can be
'x' or 'y'.
An `x` split will end up with two left/right windows.
A `y` split will end up with two top/bottom windows.
The ratio of sizes by which to split the current window.
If a window has a width of 100, then splitting on the x-axis with a
ratio = 0.3 will result in a left window of width 30 and a right
window of width 70.
Defaults to 0.5.
If `True`, overrides `ratio` and leads to the new window and all
sibling windows becoming of equal size along the corresponding
split axis.
Defaults to `True`.
Whether the new split content appears after or before the currently
focused window.
Can be `"next"` or `"previous"`. Defaults to `"next"`.
- `layout.spawn_split(my_terminal, "x")`
- `layout.spawn_split(my_terminal, "y", ratio=0.2, normalize=False)`
- `layout.spawn_split(my_terminal, "x", position="previous")` |
-|`spawn_tab` | Launch the provided `program` into a new window as a new tab.
The program to launch.
If `True`, create a new sub-tab level with 2 tabs. The first sub-
tab being the currently focused window, the second sub-tab being
the newly launched program.
If provided, launch the new window as a tab at the provided `level`
of tabs in the currently focused window's tab hierarchy.
Level 1 is the topmost level.
- `layout.spawn_tab(my_terminal)`
- `layout.spawn_tab(my_terminal, new_level=True)`
- `layout.spawn_tab("qutebrowser", level=1)` |
-|`move_focus` | Move focus to the window in the specified direction relative to the
currently focused window. If there are multiple candidates, the most
recently focused of them will be chosen.
When `container_select_mode` is active, will similarly pick neighboring
nodes, which may consist of multiple windows under it.
The direction in which a neighbor is found to move focus to. Can be
If `True`, will wrap around the edge and select items from the
other end of the screen. Defaults to `True`. |
-|`left` | Same as `move_focus("left")`. For compatibility with API of other built-in
layouts. |
-|`right` | Same as `move_focus("right")`. For compatibility with API of other built-in
layouts. |
-|`up` | Same as `move_focus("up")`. For compatibility with API of other built-in
layouts. |
-|`down` | Same as `move_focus("down")`. For compatibility with API of other built-in
layouts. |
-|`next_tab` | Switch focus to the next tab. The window that was previously active there
will be focused.
If `True`, will cycle back to the fist tab if invoked on the last
Defaults to `True`. |
+|`spawn_split` | Launch the provided `program` into a new window that splits the
currently focused window along the specified `axis`.
The program to launch.
The axis along which to split the currently focused window. Can
be 'x' or 'y'.
An `x` split will end up with two left/right windows.
A `y` split will end up with two top/bottom windows.
The ratio of sizes by which to split the current window.
If a window has a width of 100, then splitting on the x-axis
with a ratio = 0.3 will result in a left window of width 30 and
a right window of width 70.
Defaults to 0.5.
If `True`, overrides `ratio` and leads to the new window and
all sibling windows becoming of equal size along the
corresponding split axis.
Defaults to `True`.
Whether the new split content appears after or before the
currently focused window.
Can be `"next"` or `"previous"`. Defaults to `"next"`.
- `layout.spawn_split(my_terminal, "x")`
- `layout.spawn_split(my_terminal, "y", ratio=0.2,
- `layout.spawn_split(my_terminal, "x", position="previous")` |
+|`spawn_tab` | Launch the provided `program` into a new window as a new tab.
The program to launch.
If `True`, create a new sub-tab level with 2 tabs. The first
sub-tab being the currently focused window, the second sub-tab
being the newly launched program.
If provided, launch the new window as a tab at the provided
`level` of tabs in the currently focused window's tab
Level 1 is the topmost level.
- `layout.spawn_tab(my_terminal)`
- `layout.spawn_tab(my_terminal, new_level=True)`
- `layout.spawn_tab("qutebrowser", level=1)` |
+|`move_focus` | Move focus to the window in the specified direction relative to the
currently focused window. If there are multiple candidates, the most
recently focused of them will be chosen.
When `container_select_mode` is active, will similarly pick neighboring
nodes, which may consist of multiple windows under it.
The direction in which a neighbor is found to move focus to.
Can be "up"/"down"/"left"/"right".
If `True`, will wrap around the edge and select items from the
other end of the screen. Defaults to `True`. |
+|`left` | Same as `move_focus("left")`. For compatibility with API of other
built-in layouts. |
+|`right` | Same as `move_focus("right")`. For compatibility with API of other
built-in layouts. |
+|`up` | Same as `move_focus("up")`. For compatibility with API of other built-
in layouts. |
+|`down` | Same as `move_focus("down")`. For compatibility with API of other
built-in layouts. |
+|`next_tab` | Switch focus to the next tab. The window that was previously active
there will be focused.
If `True`, will cycle back to the fist tab if invoked on the
last tab.
Defaults to `True`. |
|`prev_tab` | Same as `next_tab()` but switches focus to the previous tab. |
-|`focus_nth_tab` | Switches focus to the nth tab at the specified tab `level`.
The 1-based index of the tab that should be focused.
When there are subtab levels at play, specifies which
tabs among the hierarchy of active `TabContainers` is being acted
Tab levels are 1-based.
`level=1` indicates outermost/top-level tabs.
`level=-1` (default) indicates the innermost/nearest tabs.
- `layout.focus_nth_tab(2) # Pick the 2nd top-level tab`
- `layout.focus_nth_tab(3, level=-1)` # Pick 3rd from nearest tabs |
-|`focus_nth_window` | Switches focus to the nth window.
Counting is always done based on the geospatial position of windows - ie.
starting from the leftmost+innermost window (ie. we traverse leaves of the
tree, left to right).
The 1-based index of the window in the list of all candidate
For the specified list of tab levels, only consider windows under
the active tab at that level, ignoring windows under
inactive/background tabs.
eg. `[1]` means we should start counting `n` from the first window
in the currently active level 1 (top-level) tab, ignoring windows
under inactive tabs. But if there are any subtabs under this active
tabs, we DO consider the inactive windows under background/inactive
eg. `[1,2]` means we start counting `n` from the first window of
the active top-level tab, and if there are any level 2 subtabs
under the active tab, we pick windows only from the active level 2
tab as well, ignoring inactive subtabs.
eg. `[]` or `None` (default) means consider every single window -
even if it's inactive under a background tab.
eg. `[2]` means we start counting from the very first window at the
top level, even if it is inactive under a background tab. But
whenever there are level 2 subtabs to consider, we only count its
windows that are under the active level 2 subtab.
- `layout.focus_nth_window(1)`
- `layout.focus_nth_window(3, ignore_inactive_tabs_at_levels=[1])`
- layout.focus_nth_window(2, ignore_inactive_tabs_at_levels=[1, 2]) |
-|`resize` | Resizes by moving an appropriate border leftwards. Usually this is the
right/bottom border, but for the 'last' node under a SplitContainer, it
will be the left/top border.
Basically the way tmux does resizing.
If there are multiple nested windows under the area being resized, those
windows are resized proportionally.
The amount by which to resize.
- `layout.resize("left", 100)`
- `layout.resize("right", 100)` |
-|`swap` | Swaps the currently focused window with the nearest window in the specified
direction. If there are multiple candidates to pick from, then the most
recently focused one is chosen.
If `True`, will wrap around the edge and select windows from the
other end of the screen to swap.
Defaults to `False`. |
-|`swap_tabs` | Swaps the currently active tab with the previous tab.
If `True`, will wrap around the edge of the tab bar and swap with
the last tab.
Defaults to `True`. |
-|`rename_tab` | Rename the currently active tab.
The qtile widget that should be used for obtaining user input for
the renaming. The 'prompt' widget is used by default. |
-|`merge_tabs` | Merge the currently active tab with another tab, such that both tabs'
contents now appear in 2 splits.
Which neighbor tab to merge with. Can be either "next" or
The axis along which the merged content should appear as splits.
- `layout.merge_tabs("previous")`
- `layout.merge_tabs("next", "y")` |
-|`merge_to_subtab` | Merge the currently focused window (or an ancestor node) with a neighboring
node in the specified `direction`, so that they both come under a (possibly
The direction in which to find a neighbor to merge with.
Determines how the source window/node should be resolved. ie. do we
pick just the current window, or all windows under an appropriate
ancestor container.
Valid values are defined in `NodeHierarchySelectionMode`. See
Determines how the neighboring node should be resolved, similar to
how `src_selection` is resolved.
Valid values are defined in `NodeHierarchySelectionMode`. See
If `True`, any removals during the merge process will ensure all
sibling nodes are resized to be of equal dimensions.
Valid values for `NodeHierarchySelectionMode` are:
Pick a single innermost window. If there are multiple such
neighboring windows, pick the most recently used (MRU) one.
`"mru_subtab_else_deepest"` (default):
If the target is under a subtab, pick the subtab. If there is no
subtab in play, behaves like `mru_deepest`.
Given a window, pick the largest ancestor node that the window's
border is a fragment of. This resolves to a SplitContainer or a
If the target is under a subtab, pick the subtab. If there is no
subtab in play, behaves like `mru_largest`.
- layout.merge_to_subtab( "right",
dest_selection="mru_subtab_else_deepest", )
- layout.merge_to_subtab( "up", src_selection="mru_deepest",
dest_selection="mru_deepest", ) |
-|`push_in` | Move the currently focused window (or a related node in its hierarchy) into
a neighboring window's container.
The direction in which to find a neighbor whose container we push
(See docs in `merge_to_subtab()`)
(See docs in `merge_to_subtab()`)
If `True`, any removals during the process will ensure all sibling
nodes are resized to be of equal dimensions.
If `True`, will wrap around the edge of the screen and push into
the container on the other end.
- `layout.push_in("right", dest_selection="mru_deepest")`
- `layout.push_in("down", dest_selection="mru_largest", wrap=False)` |
-|`pull_out` | Move the currently focused window out from its SplitContainer into an
ancestor SplitContainer at a higher level. It effectively moves a window
Whether the pulled out node appears before or after its original
container node.
Can be `"next"` or `"previous"`. Defaults to `"previous"`.
Can either be `"mru_deepest"` (default) or
(See docs in `merge_to_subtab()`)
If `True`, all sibling nodes involved in the rearrangement are
resized to be of equal dimensions.
- `layout.pull_out()`
- `layout.pull_out(src_selection="mru_subtab_else_deepest")`
- `layout.pull_out(position="next")` |
-|`pull_out_to_tab` | Extract the currently focused window into a new tab at the nearest
If `True`, any removals during the process will ensure all sibling
nodes are resized to be of equal dimensions. |
+|`focus_nth_tab` | Switches focus to the nth tab at the specified tab `level`.
The 1-based index of the tab that should be focused.
When there are subtab levels at play, specifies which
tabs among the hierarchy of active `TabContainers` is being
acted upon.
Tab levels are 1-based.
`level=1` indicates outermost/top-level tabs.
`level=-1` (default) indicates the innermost/nearest tabs.
- `layout.focus_nth_tab(2) # 2nd top-level tab`
- `layout.focus_nth_tab(3, level=-1) # 3rd from nearest tabs` |
+|`focus_nth_window` | Switches focus to the nth window.
Counting is always done based on the geospatial position of windows -
starting from the leftmost+innermost window (ie. we traverse leaves of
the tree, left to right).
The 1-based index of the window in the list of all candidate
For the specified list of tab levels, only consider windows
under the active tab at that level, ignoring windows under
inactive/background tabs.
eg. `[1]` means we should start counting `n` from the first
window in the currently active level 1 (top-level) tab,
ignoring windows under inactive tabs. But if there are any
subtabs under this active tabs, we DO consider the inactive
windows under background/inactive subtabs.
eg. `[1,2]` means we start counting `n` from the first window
of the active top-level tab, and if there are any level 2
subtabs under the active tab, we pick windows only from the
active level 2 tab as well, ignoring inactive subtabs.
eg. `[]` or `None` (default) means consider every single window
- even if it's inactive under a background tab.
eg. `[2]` means we start counting from the very first window at
the top level, even if it is inactive under a background tab.
But whenever there are level 2 subtabs to consider, we only
count its windows that are under the active level 2 subtab.
- `layout.focus_nth_window(1)`
- layout.focus_nth_window(3,
- layout.focus_nth_window(2, ignore_inactive_tabs_at_levels=[1,
2]) |
+|`resize` | Resizes by moving an appropriate border leftwards. Usually this is the
right/bottom border, but for the 'last' node under a SplitContainer, it
will be the left/top border.
Basically the way tmux does resizing.
If there are multiple nested windows under the area being resized,
those windows are resized proportionally.
The amount by which to resize.
- `layout.resize("left", 100)`
- `layout.resize("right", 100)` |
+|`swap` | Swaps the currently focused window with the nearest window in the
specified direction. If there are multiple candidates to pick from,
then the most recently focused one is chosen.
If `True`, will wrap around the edge and select windows from
the other end of the screen to swap.
Defaults to `False`. |
+|`swap_tabs` | Swaps the currently active tab with the previous tab.
If `True`, will wrap around the edge of the tab bar and swap
with the last tab.
Defaults to `True`. |
+|`rename_tab` | Rename the currently active tab.
The qtile widget that should be used for obtaining user input
for the renaming. The 'prompt' widget is used by default. |
+|`merge_tabs` | Merge the currently active tab with another tab, such that both tabs'
contents now appear in 2 splits.
Which neighbor tab to merge with. Can be either "next" or
The axis along which the merged content should appear as
- `layout.merge_tabs("previous")`
- `layout.merge_tabs("next", "y")` |
+|`merge_to_subtab` | Merge the currently focused window (or an ancestor node) with a
neighboring node in the specified `direction`, so that they both come
under a (possibly new) subtab.
The direction in which to find a neighbor to merge with.
Determines how the source window/node should be resolved. ie.
do we pick just the current window, or all windows under an
appropriate ancestor container.
Valid values are defined in `NodeHierarchySelectionMode`. See
Determines how the neighboring node should be resolved, similar
to how `src_selection` is resolved.
Valid values are defined in `NodeHierarchySelectionMode`. See
If `True`, any removals during the merge process will ensure
all sibling nodes are resized to be of equal dimensions.
Valid values for `NodeHierarchySelectionMode` are:
Pick a single innermost window. If there are multiple such
neighboring windows, pick the most recently used (MRU) one.
`"mru_subtab_else_deepest"` (default):
If the target is under a subtab, pick the subtab. If there is
no subtab in play, behaves like `mru_deepest`.
Given a window, pick the largest ancestor node that the
window's border is a fragment of. This resolves to a
SplitContainer or a TabContainer.
If the target is under a subtab, pick the subtab. If there is
no subtab in play, behaves like `mru_largest`.
- layout.merge_to_subtab( "right",
dest_selection="mru_subtab_else_deepest", )
- layout.merge_to_subtab( "up", src_selection="mru_deepest",
dest_selection="mru_deepest", ) |
+|`push_in` | Move the currently focused window (or a related node in its hierarchy)
into a neighboring window's container.
The direction in which to find a neighbor whose container we
push into.
(See docs in `merge_to_subtab()`)
(See docs in `merge_to_subtab()`)
If `True`, any removals during the process will ensure all
sibling nodes are resized to be of equal dimensions.
If `True`, will wrap around the edge of the screen and push
into the container on the other end.
- `layout.push_in("right", dest_selection="mru_deepest")`
- `layout.push_in("down", dest_selection="mru_largest",
wrap=False)` |
+|`pull_out` | Move the currently focused window out from its SplitContainer into an
ancestor SplitContainer at a higher level. It effectively moves a
window 'outwards'.
Whether the pulled out node appears before or after its
original container node.
Can be `"next"` or `"previous"`. Defaults to `"previous"`.
Can either be `"mru_deepest"` (default) or
(See docs in `merge_to_subtab()`)
If `True`, all sibling nodes involved in the rearrangement are
resized to be of equal dimensions.
- `layout.pull_out()`
- `layout.pull_out(src_selection="mru_subtab_else_deepest")`
- `layout.pull_out(position="next")` |
+|`pull_out_to_tab` | Extract the currently focused window into a new tab at the nearest
If `True`, any removals during the process will ensure all
sibling nodes are resized to be of equal dimensions. |
|`normalize` | Starting from the focused window's container, make all windows in the
container of equal size.
If `True`, then nested nodes are also normalized similarly. |
|`normalize_tab` | Starting from the focused window's tab, make all windows in the tab of
equal size under their respective containers.
If `True`, then nested nodes are also normalized similarly.
Defaults to `True`. |
|`normalize_all` | Make all windows under all tabs be of equal size under their respective
containers. |
-|`toggle_container_select_mode` | Enable container-select mode where we can select not just a window, but
even their container nodes.
This will activate a special border around the active selection. You can
move its focus around using the same bindings as for switching window
focus. You can also select upper/parent or lower/child nodes with the
`select_container_outer()` and `select_container_inner()` commands.
Handy for cases where you want to split over a collection of windows or
make a new subtab level over a collection of windows.
Aside from focus-switching motions, the only operations supported are
`spawn_split()` and `spawn_tab()`. Triggering other commands will simply
exit container-select mode. |
+|`toggle_container_select_mode` | Enable container-select mode where we can select not just a window, but
even their container nodes.
This will activate a special border around the active selection. You
can move its focus around using the same bindings as for switching
window focus. You can also select upper/parent or lower/child nodes
with the `select_container_outer()` and `select_container_inner()`
Handy for cases where you want to split over a collection of windows or
make a new subtab level over a collection of windows.
Aside from focus-switching motions, the only operations supported are
`spawn_split()` and `spawn_tab()`. Triggering other commands will
simply exit container-select mode. |
|`select_container_inner` | When in container-select mode, it will narrow the active selection by
selecting the first descendent node. |
|`select_container_outer` | When in container-select mode, it will expand the active selection by
selecting the next ancestor node. |
|`tree_repr` | Returns a YAML-like text representation of the internal tree hierarchy. |
diff --git a/scripts/generate_readme.py b/scripts/generate_readme.py
index 5f44578..ab92101 100755
--- a/scripts/generate_readme.py
+++ b/scripts/generate_readme.py
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ def is_exposed_command(node):
"name": node.name,
"docstring": rewrap(
- docstring, width=75, dedent=True, html_whitespace=True
+ docstring, width=71, dedent=True, html_whitespace=True
diff --git a/src/qtile_bonsai/layout.py b/src/qtile_bonsai/layout.py
index a593479..efb17c0 100644
--- a/src/qtile_bonsai/layout.py
+++ b/src/qtile_bonsai/layout.py
@@ -723,8 +723,8 @@ def focus_nth_tab(self, n: int, *, level: int = -1):
`level=-1` (default) indicates the innermost/nearest tabs.
- - `layout.focus_nth_tab(2) # Pick the 2nd top-level tab`
- - `layout.focus_nth_tab(3, level=-1)` # Pick 3rd from nearest tabs
+ - `layout.focus_nth_tab(2) # 2nd top-level tab`
+ - `layout.focus_nth_tab(3, level=-1) # 3rd from nearest tabs`
if self._tree.is_empty:
@@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ def focus_nth_window(
- `layout.focus_nth_window(1)`
- - `layout.focus_nth_window(3, ignore_inactive_tabs_at_levels=[1])`
+ - layout.focus_nth_window(3, ignore_inactive_tabs_at_levels=[1])
- layout.focus_nth_window(2, ignore_inactive_tabs_at_levels=[1, 2])
if n < 1:
@@ -948,8 +948,8 @@ def merge_to_subtab(
Merge the currently focused window (or an ancestor node) with a neighboring
- node in the specified `direction`, so that they both come under a (possibly new)
- subtab.
+ node in the specified `direction`, so that they both come under a (possibly
+ new) subtab.
@@ -1183,8 +1183,8 @@ def normalize_all(self):
def toggle_container_select_mode(self):
- Enable container-select mode where we can select not just a window, but even their
- container nodes.
+ Enable container-select mode where we can select not just a window, but even
+ their container nodes.
This will activate a special border around the active selection. You can move
its focus around using the same bindings as for switching window focus. You can