The software is a web-based application developed for museum excursions, which encodes rules of the excursions management. The software provides tools for managing attributes of the excursions like language, guide, initiator, etc., and tracks the timing information related to excursion lifecycle (like registration, actual arrival, start and end time of an excursion). The queue management system Included in the program ensures load balancing for guides and organize exhibition in a smart way.
(1) Change directory into the root of the project:
cd excursions
(2) Set appropriate time zone from the file public\index.php by the function date_default_timezone_set.
(3) Run the code below to copy the environment variables file template, and setup all the values:
cp example.env .env
(4) Install PHP 7 or more (see for instructions).
(5) Download composer.phar 1.8.0 or more to your project root (see Go to the file php.ini and uncomment extensions disable-tls and mbstring. In order to get required packages run:
./composer.phar install
As a result the file composer.lock will be created as well (You can commit that change).
(6) Set up Docker 18.09.1 and more (see for instructions). After the installation check if you have docker-compose 1.23.2 or more.
(7) To start application run:
$ docker-compose up --build
(8) Run development migration by:
$ docker exec -t excursions_frontend_1 ./vendor/bin/phinx migrate -e production
(9) In order to run all the tests let us run this command:
$ docker exec -t excursions_frontend_1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit ./tests/
In order to create a new migration via phinx run:
$ docker exec -t excursions_frontend_1 ./vendor/bin/phinx create NewMigration
In order to rollback a migration via phinx run:
$ docker exec -t excursions_frontend_1 ./vendor/bin/phinx rollback -e production -t 20190930124802
Copyright © 2021, Ara Gasparyan. Released under the MIT License.