Spring cloud microservice for filter handling
- To run application its necessary to run EurekaServer application first, so other both application register first with server
- mvn exec:java
- Spring boot 2
- Spring Cloud (Netflix eureka, Netflix feign (embedded ribbon LB), Netflix Hystrix)
- Spring MVC
- Spring Rest
- Spring data JPA
- Spring AOP
- bootstrap and JSTL
- Junit 4 (for unit testing)
- Mockito (for mocking database calls and methods in unit testing)
- MockMVC (for Integration testing)
- Swagger (openapi 3.0)
- H2 Database
- Openpojo
- Double check locking singleton pattren
- Builder pattren
For thread safety, i am using java 1.8 StampedLock, in which we have optimistic read lock. Which make synchronization overhead is very low.
- All application is build using spring cloud, microservice architecture
- Client application is build using Spring MVC, Client Appliction register it self as erueka client in server.
- Client application communicating with backend api using Netflix feign
- Simple design is madeup using bootstrap and JSTL (for data manipulation)
- Backend application is a euraka client, which is build using spring rest
- H2 database is used save data and given data is loaded during the start-up of application
- Spring specifications are used to create complex quries
- Erueka Server configure on 8085
- Client application is configure on 8080
- Backend application is configure on 8082
- TDD (unit testing done using JUNIT 4)
- Mockito (for mocking in unit testing)
- openpojo (for testing required getter/setter existence)
- MockMVC (for integeration testing of API end points)
GET | spark-networks-client/home | Client home page |
POST | spark-networks-client/filter | Client filter api |
GET | spark-networks-client/ | Client login page |
POST | spark-networks-client/login | Client login operation api |
POST | spark-networks-backend/filter/login | Backend login rest api |
POST | spark-networks-backend/filter | Backend filter rest api |
GET | spark-networks-backend/filter | Backend geting all rest api |
- 200 OK: The request has succeeded
- 400 Bad Request: The request could not be understood by the server
- 404 Not Found: The requested resource cannot be found
- 417 Bad Exception: Internal server exception
- 500 Internal Server Error: The server encountered an unexpected condition