A simple wrapper for the FastImageCache.
- Easy setup
- Provides UIImageView category for requesting and cancelling.
- Support for custom image downloader classes.
Install via cocoapods by adding this to your Podfile:
pod "APLImageCache", "~> 0.0.5"
Import header file:
#import <APLImageCache/APLImageCache.h>
An example that caches two types of images (user photos and book covers):
NSDictionary *coverDescription = @{ APLImageType : @"bookCover", APLImageWidth : @90, APLImageHeight : @135 };
NSDictionary *photoDescription = @{ APLImageType : @"userPhoto", APLImageWidth : @50, APLImageHeight : @50 };
[APLImageCache setupWithDownloader:nil descriptions:@[coverDescription, photoDescription]];
The best place for this is the method 'application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:' in the AppDelegate.
[self.imageView requestImageWithURL:book.coverURL type:@"bookCover" placeholder:placeholder];
[self.imageView cancelImageRequest];