Standalone rest client for Apiwatcher platform.
It can run testcases defined in Apiwatcher locally on you machine or on CI server.
Currently Apilisk is distributed using Pypi, more options for download are comming soon.
The best way is to create a virtual environment and then use pip.
virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install Apilisk
You must have libcurl installed.
On Mac we suggest to use easy_install, although pip should work as well.
sudo easy_install Apilisk
At first you need to have a team in Apiwatcher, so sign/log in.
You need to create a project and some testcases, otherwise there is nothing to run. :) And finally you need to have a credentials (Client ID and Client secret). This you can find under team settings - create a new pair and download the configuration file for Apilisk or copy paste the command with apilisk init, which will create the file for you.
apilisk init --client-secret SECRET --client-id ID --agent-id "My agent"
Example file:
{ "host": "", "port": 443, "client_id": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID", "client_secret": "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET", "agent_id": "My local agent" }
And now just run it :)
apilisk run -c apilisk.json -u -v 1 -d YOUR_DATASET_ID -p YOUR_PROJECT_HASH