commands history : things I tend to forget and look for afterward
Extract compressed archives with correct options
tar -xjf comp-archive-123.tar.bz2 # -j (bzip2)
tar -xvzf comp-archive-123.tar.gz # -z (gzip)
tar -xf comp-archive-123.tar.xz
Using nasm to assemble and GNU linker to generate executable
nasm -f elf64 <prog>.asm -g # -f = format
ld <prog>.o -o <prog>
Saving intermediate files from compilation (.i, .s, .o) using gcc
gcc main.c --save-temps -o main
Compile and link program w/ static library
gcc main.c -o main -I libs -L libs -labcd
# .
# ├── libs
# │ ├── libabcd.a
# │ └── libabcd.h
# └── main.c
sqlite3 usage
sqlite3 dbname.sqlite
.schema # display database schema
Using GNU debugger to inspect code in asm
gcc prog.c -o prog -g # compile source using debugging options
gdb ./prog # start gdb
(gdb) b main # set breakpoint at main entry point
(gdb) run # start program
(gdb) layout asm # apply the asm layout for inspection
disassembly style
(gdb) show disassembly-flavor
(gdb) set disassembly-flavor intel
(gdb) set disassembly-flavor att
Connect to MySQL container
docker exec -it <container_name> mysql -u<user> -p<pass>
Export database
docker exec -i <container_name> mysqldump --no-tablespaces -u<user> -p<pass> <db_name> > <backup_name>.sql
Rename and remove underscore from files in current folder
for f in _*; do mv -v "$f" $(echo "$f" | tr -d '_'); done
Generate html file from RTF files based on their basename and content
for f in *.rtf; do echo -E "$(basename -s .rtf "## $f") $(unrtf --quiet "$f")" >> index.html; done
Create the same file in all subdirectories
for d in ./*/; do cd "$d" && touch file.txt && cd ..; done
Find and print all files starting with ".DS_"
find -type f -name ".DS_*" -print
Find all file occurences starting with "._" and delete them
find -type f -name "._*" -delete
Find folder and delete its content
find -type d -name "foldername" -exec rm -rf {} \;
Find modified files at a certain date
find -type f -name "*.cpp" -newermt yyyy-mm-dd
Copy output of command to clipboard
pwd | xclip -i
Display file permission bits in octal
stat -c "%a %n" <filename>
Display lines (range) in file
sed -n 1,10p file.txt
Delete lines (range) in file
sed -i 1,10d file.txt # option -i : --in-place
Remove remote origin of git repository
git remote remove origin
Change remote origin of git repository
git remote add origin
Changing commit message that hasn't been pushed
git commit --amend -m "modified commit msg"
Resize image while keeping (height or width) ratio
mogrify -resize x450 my_img.jpg # preserve height
mogrify -resize 850x my_img.jpg # preserve width
Crop image
mogrify -crop 100x100+0+0 my_img.jpg # crop 100x100px from x=0, y=0
Convert format
mogrify -format jpeg image.ppm # from .ppm to .jpeg
Display image size infos
identify -format "%wx%h" img.jpg
Vertically stack images
convert <img-1> <img-2> -append <result-img>
+append : to concatenate images horizontally
Compute SHA256 message digest to verify file integrity
echo "<filehash> <file>" | sha256sum --c
Display current available network interfaces
ip -c -br link
Display IPv4 addresses
ip -c -br -4 a
Generate new private key
openssl genpkey -out <pri_key> \
-algorithm RSA \
-pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:<key-size> \
key is protected with passphrase using AES-256
Derive public key
openssl rsa -in <pri_key> -pubout -out <pub_key>
Key structure information
openssl rsa -in <pri_key> -text -noout
params to specify public key
Setup environment and install project dependencies w/ pip
python3 -m venv venv # will create target dir 'venv' for virtual env
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Save current state of virtual environment in requirements.txt
pip freeze >> requirements.txt
Display current screen resolution
xdpyinfo | grep "dimensions"
Add new script inside /home/user/
dedicated directory
├── scripts
add execution / read permissions
chmod u+rx
create symlink from .local/bin
folder to make script available from the command line :
ln -s /home/user/scripts/
declare function inside /home/user/.bash_functions
function call_script {
then source :
source .bash_functions
copy (rsa) public key content to clipboard
xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/ # shorthand for : -select clipboard
Updating snap store
snap-store --quit && sudo snap refresh snap-store
+ b
: default prefix
Panel split
+ %
: vertical split
+ "
: horizontal split
+ q
: panel number
+ o
: switch between panels
+ alt
+ ↑ ↓ ← →
: to increase / decrease panel size
+ z
: zoom / de-zoom
+ x
: close panel
to install new plugins, edit .tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'plugin/path'
then prefix
+ I
to fetch the plugin
search and replace pattern (all occurences)
Saving remote file in specified directory
wget https://.../resource.jpg -P /to/directory/path