Release RocketMQ Client Java 5.0.3
What's Changed
- Fix the time zone to generate message id by @aaron-ai in #254
- Add more comments for ProducerImpl#send0 by @aaron-ai in #259
- Bump logback to 1.2.9 by @aaron-ai in #261
- Bump rocketmq proto to 2.0.1 by @aaron-ai in #263
- Bugfix: shutdown ClientMeterManager during the closing of producer/consumer by @aaron-ai in #266
- Add extraProperties for PublishingMessageImpl by @aaron-ai in #264
- Add more ut by @aaron-ai in #267
- Bump grpc/protobuf to 1.50.0/3.21.7 by @aaron-ai in #268
- Revert "Add extraProperties for PublishingMessageImpl" by @aaron-ai in #271
- Define index of LoadBalancer as static by @aaron-ai in #272
- Reserve index when topic route is update by @aaron-ai in #274
- Polish ProcessIdConverter by @aaron-ai in #276
- Remove MessageBuilder#setTraceContext and MessageView#getTraceContext by @aaron-ai in #277
- Rename LOGGER to log by @aaron-ai in #285
- Delay setting wait time by @aaron-ai in #287
Full Changelog: