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File metadata and controls

157 lines (111 loc) · 4.74 KB

Anime Parser


This is for my personal use and may contain serious bugs, please do not use it. If you really want to use it, please open an issue.

Parse a local directory to a anime.

alt text

alt text


All parsed data comes from Bangumi.


Get the animes local resource that is stored correctly

This is a directory structure used for demonstration.

├── Attack_on_Titan
│   ├── episode_1.mp4
│   ├── episode_2.mp4
│   └── ...
├── One_Piece
│   ├── episode_1.mp4
│   ├── episode_2.mp4
│   └── ...
└── Sword_Art_Online
    ├── episode_1.mp4
    ├── episode_2.mp4
    └── ...

There shouldn't be any non-flat directory structure. Even different seasons of an anime.

After parsing, resource files will be renamed to a fixed format (no setting to change this is provided), this is for 🖇️Unique and stable link.

├── Attack_on_Titan
│   ├── 01.mp4
│   ├── 02.mp4
│   └── ...
├── One_Piece
│   ├── 01.mp4
│   ├── 02.mp4
│   └── ...
└── Sword_Art_Online
    ├── 01.mp4
    ├── 02.mp4
    └── ...

Install && Set up the media-extended plugin

Create a custom protocols, select the folder mapping type, and map animes to the directory where anime local media files are stored.

Example: anime -> file:///D:/Animes

Import && Manage animes

Use the following code to create a dataviewJS block to create an animes bookshelf:

// 下面是该Block的全部配置内容
const SourceFolder = "Animes"; // 数据来源是一个文件夹
const coverField = "cover"; // 想要作为封面展示的yaml 键名
const ItemProperties = {
	"封面": "$cover", // $cover会被替换为该Page的cover属性(以图片形式)
	"链接": (p) =>, // 使用箭头函数,定义项目的每一个属性
// 配置结束
const pages = dv.pages(`"${SourceFolder}"`).filter((p) => p[coverField]);

const generateCoverLink = (cover, filePath) =>

Promise.all( (page) => {
		const coverUrl = page[coverField].startsWith("http")
			? page[coverField]
			: app.vault.adapter.getResourcePath(p[coverField]);
		return Object.values(ItemProperties).map((value) =>
			value === "$cover"
				? generateCoverLink(coverUrl, page.file.path)
				: value(page)
).then((tdata) => dv.table(Object.keys(ItemProperties), tdata));

Then, import animes. And you are done.


Propertys template

all available variables:

- {{cover}}
- {{id}}
- {{summary}}
- {{tags}}
- {{epNum}}

Example Template

playlist: true
cover: {{cover}}
bangumiID: {{id}}
episodeNum: {{epNum}}
progress: 0

📜Helpful for Workflow

This plugin can be used to display anime cover as banner.

This plugin can be used to set the default mode of a note representing an anime to read mode. In read mode, the page layout changes of the anime parser will take effect.

🖇️Unique and stable link

There are some problems with relying on local resource files to manage media files. What if one day I suddenly want to store my resource files in another path? What if I change computers and have the same resource files, but they cannot be recognized as the same item because of different file names? What if I share my library with others and they cannot correctly link notes to resource files?

The solution I thought of is to have a unique and stable link of a certain episode of a certain anime. This plugin runs on this concept, and in a broad sense, it is of course also a kind of File over app.

📺Syncing with bangumi

You can use the Sync the progress of current anime to bangumi command to sync your viewing progress to bangumi.

In the future, there will be more data that can be synced.

⚙️How episode parser works

Relevant code for how to sort the episodes by file name is written in parser.ts. This is the important part.

Rest of the relevant code is written in a parseAnime function.

📱Mobile support?

It would be really great if the media-extended had mobile support. It could sync watching progress, episode notes, etc. Unfortunately, I don't know when that will be implemented.