diff --git a/AODN/AODN-WAVE-NRT/ARDC_API_NRT/ardc_nrt/config/sofar/sources_id_metadata.json b/AODN/AODN-WAVE-NRT/ARDC_API_NRT/ardc_nrt/config/sofar/sources_id_metadata.json index e431edff..740dd09f 100644 --- a/AODN/AODN-WAVE-NRT/ARDC_API_NRT/ardc_nrt/config/sofar/sources_id_metadata.json +++ b/AODN/AODN-WAVE-NRT/ARDC_API_NRT/ardc_nrt/config/sofar/sources_id_metadata.json @@ -547,5 +547,84 @@ "water_depth": 12, "water_depth_units": "m", "wave_buoy_type": "directional" + }, + "SPOT-31558C": + { + "spotter_id": "SPOT-31558C", + "site_name": "Torbay West", + "latitude_nominal": -35.06836, + "longitude_nominal": 117.76831, + "deployment_start_date": "2024-10-17T00:00:00.000Z", + "institution": "IMOS/University of Western Australia" , + "institution_code": "UWA", + "abstract": "Near real time integral wave parameters from wave buoys collected by IMOS using a SOFAR Spotter-V2 at Torbay West", + "title": "Near real time integral wave parameters from wave buoys collected by IMOS using a SOFAR Spotter-V2 at Torbay West", + "project": "IMOS", + "citation": "The citation to be used in publications using the dataset should follow the format: \"Integrated Marine Observing System, University of Western Australia (UWA) [year-of-data-downloaded], Wave buoys Observations - Australia - near real-time, Downloaded from [url] on [date-of-download]\"", + "instrument": "SOFAR Spotter-V3", + "instrument_burst_interval": 1800, + "instrument_burst_duration": 1800, + "instrument_burst_units": "s", + "instrument_sampling_interval": 0.4, + "platform": "moored surface buoy", + "wave_motion_sensor_type": "GPS", + "wave_sensor_serial_number": "SPOT-31558C", + "hull_serial_number": " ", + "transmission": "Iridium/Cellular", + "water_depth": 32, + "water_depth_units": "m", + "wave_buoy_type": "directional" + }, + "SPOT-31397C": + { + "spotter_id": "SPOT-31397C", + "site_name": "Tantabiddi", + "latitude_nominal": -21.8954, + "longitude_nominal": 113.9265, + "institution": "University of Western Australia" , + "institution_code": "UWA", + "deployment_start_date": "2024-11-08T00:00:00.000Z", + "abstract": "Near real time integral wave parameters from wave buoys collected by IMOS using a SOFAR Spotter-V3 at Tantabiddi", + "title": "Near real time integral wave parameters from wave buoys collected by IMOS using a SOFAR Spotter-V3 at Tantabiddi", + "instrument": "SOFAR Spotter-V3", + "instrument_burst_interval": 1800, + "instrument_burst_duration": 1800, + "instrument_burst_units": "s", + "instrument_sampling_interval": 0.4, + "platform": "moored surface buoy", + "wave_motion_sensor_type": "GPS", + "wave_sensor_serial_number": "SPOT-31397C", + "hull_serial_number": " ", + "transmission": "Iridium/Cellular", + "water_depth": 44.5, + "water_depth_units": "m", + "wave_buoy_type": "directional" + }, + "SPOT-31886C": + { + "spotter_id": "SPOT-31886C", + "site_name": "Coral Bay", + "latitude_nominal": -23.15446, + "longitude_nominal": 113.7369, + "institution": "IMOS", + "deployment_start_date": "2024-11-09T00:00:00.000Z", + "institution_code": "IMOS", + "abstract": "Near real time integral wave parameters from wave buoys collected by IMOS using a SOFAR Spotter-V3 at Coral Bay02", + "title": "Near real time integral wave parameters from wave buoys collected by IMOS using a SOFAR Spotter-V3 at Coral Bay02", + "project": "IMOS", + "citation": "The citation to be used in publications using the dataset should follow the format: \"Integrated Marine Observing System, [year-of-data-downloaded], Wave buoys Observations - Australia - near real-time, Downloaded from [url] on [date-of-download]\"", + "instrument": "SOFAR Spotter-V3", + "instrument_burst_interval": 1800, + "instrument_burst_duration": 1800, + "instrument_burst_units": "s", + "instrument_sampling_interval": 0.4, + "platform": "moored surface buoy", + "wave_motion_sensor_type": "GPS", + "wave_sensor_serial_number": "SPOT-31886C", + "hull_serial_number": " ", + "transmission": "Iridium/Cellular", + "water_depth": 31, + "water_depth_units": "m", + "wave_buoy_type": "directional" } } diff --git a/AODN/AODN-WAVE-NRT/ARDC_API_NRT/ardc_nrt/config/sofar/template_imos.json b/AODN/AODN-WAVE-NRT/ARDC_API_NRT/ardc_nrt/config/sofar/template_imos.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7e8cf99f --- /dev/null +++ b/AODN/AODN-WAVE-NRT/ARDC_API_NRT/ardc_nrt/config/sofar/template_imos.json @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +{ + "_dimensions": { + "TIME": null, + "timeSeries": 1 + }, + "_variables": { + "timeSeries": { + "_datatype": "int16", + "_dimensions": ["timeSeries"], + "long_name": "unique identifier for each feature instance", + "cf_role": "timeseries_id" + }, + "TIME": { + "_datatype": "float64", + "_dimensions": ["TIME"], + "units": "days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00 UTC", + "calendar": "gregorian", + "standard_name": "time", + "long_name": "time", + "axis": "T", + "valid_min": 0.0, + "valid_max": 90000.0 + }, + "LATITUDE": { + "_FillValue": -9999.0, + "_datatype": "float64", + "_dimensions": ["TIME"], + "standard_name": "latitude", + "long_name": "latitude", + "units": "degrees_north", + "axis": "Y", + "valid_min": -90.0, + "valid_max": 90.0, + "reference_datum": "WGS84 coordinate reference system; EPSG:4326" + }, + "LONGITUDE": { + "_FillValue": -9999.0, + "_datatype": "float64", + "_dimensions": ["TIME"], + "standard_name": "longitude", + "long_name": "longitude", + "units": "degrees_east", + "axis": "X", + "valid_min": -180.0, + "valid_max": 180.0, + "reference_datum": "WGS84 coordinate reference system; EPSG:4326" + }, + "WPFM": { + "_dimensions": ["TIME"], + "_datatype": "float64", + "standard_name": "sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment", + "long_name": "sea surface wave spectral mean period", + "units": "s", + "_FillValue": -9999.0, + "valid_min": 0.0, + "valid_max": 50.0, + "method": "Spectral analysis method", + "ancillary_variable": "WAVE_quality_control", + "coordinates": "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE" + }, + "WPPE": { + "_dimensions": ["TIME"], + "_datatype": "float64", + "standard_name": "sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum", + "long_name": "peak wave spectral period", + "units": "s", + "_FillValue": -9999.0, + "valid_min": 0.0, + "valid_max": 50.0, + "method": "Spectral analysis method", + "coordinates": "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE", + "ancillary_variable": "WAVE_quality_control", + "comment": "Period of the peak of the energy spectrum" + }, + "SSWMD": { + "_dimensions": ["TIME"], + "_datatype": "float64", + "standard_name": "sea_surface_wave_from_direction", + "long_name": "spectral sea surface wave mean direction", + "units": "Degrees", + "magnetic_declination": 12.86, + "compass_correction_applied": 13, + "positive": "clockwise", + "reference_datum": "true north", + "method": "Spectral analysis method", + "_FillValue": -9999.0, + "valid_min": 0.0, + "valid_max": 360.0, + "comment": "Direction (related to the magnetic north) from which the mean period waves are coming from", + "ancillary_variable": "WAVE_quality_control", + "coordinates": "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE" + }, + "WPDI": { + "_dimensions": ["TIME"], + "_datatype": "float64", + "standard_name": "sea_surface_wave_from_direction_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum", + "long_name": "spectral peak wave direction", + "units": "Degrees", + "magnetic_declination": 12.86, + "compass_correction_applied": 13, + "reference_datum": "true north", + "positive": "clockwise", + "_FillValue": -9999.0, + "valid_min": 0.0, + "valid_max": 360.0, + "method": "Spectral analysis method", + "ancillary_variable": "WAVE_quality_control", + "comment": "Direction (related to the magnetic north) from which the peak period waves are coming from", + "coordinates": "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE" + }, + "WMDS": { + "_dimensions": ["TIME"], + "_datatype": "float64", + "standard_name": "sea_surface_wave_directional_spread", + "long_name": "spectral sea surface wave mean directional spread", + "units": "Degrees", + "positive": "clockwise", + "_FillValue": -9999.0, + "valid_min": 0.0, + "valid_max": 360.0, + "method": "Spectral analysis method", + "ancillary_variable": "WAVE_quality_control", + "coordinates": "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE" + }, + "WPDS": { + "_dimensions": ["TIME"], + "_datatype": "float64", + "standard_name": "sea_surface_wave_directional_spread_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum", + "long_name": "spectral sea surface wave peak directional spread", + "units": "Degrees", + "_FillValue": -9999.0, + "valid_min": 0.0, + "valid_max": 360.0, + "reference_datum": "true north", + "positive": "clockwise", + "method": "Spectral analysis method", + "ancillary_variable": "WAVE_quality_control", + "coordinates": "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE" + }, + "WSSH": { + "_dimensions": ["TIME"], + "_datatype": "float64", + "standard_name": "sea_surface_wave_significant_height", + "long_name": "sea surface wave spectral significant height", + "units": "m", + "_FillValue": -9999.0, + "valid_min": 0.0, + "valid_max": 100.0, + "method": "Spectral analysis method", + "ancillary_variable": "WAVE_quality_control", + "coordinates": "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE" + }, + "WAVE_quality_control": { + "_dimensions": [ + "TIME" + ], + "_datatype": "b", + "long_name": "primary Quality Control flag for wave variables", + "_FillValue": -127, + "valid_min": 1, + "valid_max": 9, + "flag_values": [1,2,3,4,9], + "flag_meanings": "good not_evaluated questionable bad missing", + "quality_control_convention": "Ocean Data Standards, UNESCO 2013 - IOC Manuals and Guides, 54, Volume 3 Version 1" + } + }, + "Conventions": "CF-1.6", + "abstract": "Near real-time in-situ wave data data collected from a various sites across Australia using Sofar Spotter wave buoys funded by IMOS", + "acknowledgement": "Any users of IMOS data are required to clearly acknowledge the source of the material in the format: \\\"Data was sourced from Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) - IMOS is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)\\\"", + "citation": "The citation to be used in publications using the dataset should follow the format: \\\"Integrated Marine Observing System, [year-of-data-downloaded], Wave buoys Observations - Australia - near real-time, Downloaded from [url] on [date-of-download]\\\"", + "author": "AODN", + "author_email": "info@aodn.org.au", + "data_centre": "Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN)", + "data_centre_email": "info@aodn.org.au", + "disclaimer": "Data, products and services from UWA are provided \\\"as is\\\" without any warranty as to fitness for a particular purpose.", + "license": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/", + "references": "http://www.imos.org.au", + "standard_name_vocabulary": "NetCDF Climate and Forecast CF Standard Name Table Version 78", + "project":"IMOS", + "principal_investigator": "Michael Cuttler", + "principal_investigator_email": "michael.cuttler@uwa.edu.au", + "geospatial_lat_units": "degrees_north", + "geospatial_lon_units": "degrees-east", + "cdm_data_type": "Station" +}