Ecommerce starter for the frontend to efficiently start new frontend react projects, using React, ReactJs, NodeJs, ReactRedux, ReduxThunk, Axios, fetch, MERAN Stack, MVVM, React Class Component, React Functional Component. Features, User Registration, Login, Forgot Password, Reset Password, Change Profile Info, Change Profile Picture, Product List, Popular Product, Recommended product, Add to cart, Checkout, Add to Favorite, Product Posting and listing, order tracking, etc.
- Download and install Node.js Javascript Runtime.
- Download and install the Postman or any other HTTP rest-client your choice.
- Download and install Git
- Download and install IDE Vscode or any other your choice (e.g. visual studio, eclipse, NetBeans)
- ***This project has a dependency on the backend app. Follow the instruction for backend setup in this git repo
or this link nodejs_expressjs_ecommerce_backend
- Open command line git command-line tool. Navigate to your workspace directory, then type
git clone
wait for finishing git clone. - In the CMD terminal Go to your project root directory then run
npm install
to install all the dependencies and wait for finish. It may take a few minutes. - To start the express server run command
npm start
ornpm run dev
- Complete REST API endpoints details in the postman folder in the project root folder. Then import to the postman.
- Robust routing
- Image upload (for product image, user profile picture),
- Data validation
- MVVM, Repository
- HTTP request using Axios or fetch allowed methods GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
- JSON response processing for success response and error response with proper error handling
- User: Registration, login, forgot password, reset password, token-based HTTP basic authorization
- Brand: product listing by brand
- Category: product listing by category
- Product: CRUD operation with all eCommerce features
- User panel: upload profile picture, change profile information, change password, User orders, User transactions, User selling items
To run the test suite, first, install the dependencies, then run npm test
$ npm install
$ npm test
For further development hire me.