Tangible is a Real-World-Asset (RWA) DeFi Protocol for Real-Estate Auctions and Mortgage Lending.
I developed it as a member of the City Builders Network of Prospera (the world's premier private city).
What Tangible accomplishes:
- Allows lenders worldwide to earn yields, by supplying and lending their mortgage capital to the residents of a city/jurisdiction.
- Brings mortgage access to residents of a city/juridiction (such as Prospera) who are blocked from TradFi alternatives, through the power of Blockchain and Web3.

On-Chain Gas-Efficient Amortization Schedule Mathematics:
- Explanation (in progress)
- Desmos Implementation
- NFTs: Legally Compliant NFTs, capable of representing RWA (property disputes can also be solved on-chain via arbitrator multisig)
- Lending Pool: Allows anyone to supply capital to the protocol and earn yeilds from mortgages. Includes tUSDC an SEC Compliant interest-bearing token (unavailable to US Citizens)
- On-Chain Mortgages: Gas-Efficient Amortization Schedule
- Auctions: Bidding mechanism to allow seamless real estate transactions. A user with an active mortgage can accept a bid, sell his house, pay off any mortgage debt, and keep the difference (all in one transaction).
- etc
- protocol
- state
- State.sol (holds all protocol state vars. the proxy and all logic contracts inherit from it, to avoid storage collisions)
- TargetManager.sol (handles upgrade and delegatecall logic)
- Roles.sol
- proxy
- ProtocolProxy.sol: (the proxy responsible for mapping each function selector to the appropriate implementation)
- logic (all non-abstract implementations inherit from State.sol)
- Auctions.sol
- Borrowing.sol
- Info.sol (originally made to contain all external getters, and reduce size of other implementations. might get rid of it. under review)
- Initializer.sol
- Lending.sol
- Residents.sol (Tracks who are the legitimate residents of the jurisdiction, which are the only eligible receivers of the NFT)
- Setter.sol (originally made to contain all external setters, and reduce size of other implementations. might get rid of it. under review)
- interest
- InterestConstant.sol: Implementation of a Fixed/Constant Interest Rate Model
- Interest2Slopes.sol: Implementation of an Two-Slope Interest Rate Model
- InterestCurve.sol: Implementation of a Smooth Curve Interest Rate Model
- loanStatus
- Amortization.sol (holds implementation of a flexible & gas-efficient amortization schedule)
- LoanStatus.sol (inherits from Amortization.sol, to differentiate Active Mortgages from Defaults, and so on)
- state
- tokens
- TangibleNft.sol
- tUSDC.sol
- Main
- Add safety mechanism to protect against clashing function selectors
- Improve state initialization
- Finish test suite (to reach full coverage)
- Replace PRB with my own Fixed Point Math
- Foundry supports stateful fuzzing. Use it to replace GeneralFuzz.t.sol
- TargetManager upgrades should be behind a dao with a timelock
- Improve usage of environment variables
- Improve Gas-Expensive Functions:
- highestActionableBid() (max heap?)
- _defaultTime() (should be able to have the user pass in the defaultTime as a param, and only have the smart contract sanity check the preceding and subsequent month)
- Other
- Expected vars in tests aren't being used
- Implement foundry scripts/tasks with vm.broadcast
- NatSpec comments
- Improve contract and variable naming
- Figure out how to simplify and shorten selector setting scripts
- Slippage Protection
- Tokenized Vault Inflation Vulnerabilities (maybe implement ERC4626)
- Replace error strings with custom errors for gas efficiency
- Mortgage Refinancing
- Fractionalization
- Fractional Real Estate Ownership (ERC 1155 with nested mappings)
- Ability to take out mortgage to purchase a fraction of a property
- Build an exchange allowing users to buy in/out of real estate fractions
- Foundry
- Hardhat