Unofficial Javascript SDK for Changelly cryptocurrency exchange service API.For more detail about the API, visit the official document.
npm install changelly-js
npm run build
// nodejs
require("isomorphic-fetch") // install this package to use fetch in nodejs
const { Changelly } = require('changelly-js')
const apiKey = 'your api key'
const apiSecret = 'your api secret'
const changelly = new Changelly(apiKey, apiSecret);
changelly.getExchangeAmount('ltc','eth', '23').then(res => {
// 6.881168762500000000
changelly.createTransaction('eth', 'btc', '3AT4CYbw8UVNPhPNBrr5YwCrxLquKtFWWx', '0.23')
.then(res => {
id: '6308bn10e13o97m7',
apiExtraFee: '0.5',
changellyFee: '0.5',
payinExtraId: null,
amountExpectedFrom: '0.23',
status: 'new',
currencyFrom: 'eth',
currencyTo: 'btc',
amountTo: 0,
amountExpectedTo: '0.00455935',
payinAddress: '0xda6e060cdedd5ecdfe650b68e04c278ac0fee244',
payoutAddress: '3AT4CYbw8UVNPhPNBrr5YwCrxLquKtFWWx',
createdAt: '2019-12-09T03:23:13.000Z',
kycRequired: false