released this
07 Jul 11:20
[Styles] Footer styles and samples for a Governance statement indicating BAS is part of NERC is part of UKRI
[Styles] Testbed samples for contextual backgrounds, including experimental and primary variants
[Styles] Testbed sample for experimental text
[Styles] Testbed samples for footer 'is something wrong' and 'back to top' links
[Styles] Adding 'is something wrong' and 'back to top' footer links to testbed pug footer include
[Infrastructure] Gulp watch
task to run build
when a CSS or JS file is changed, for use with docker-compose up
[Infrastructure] Gulp watch
task to run build
when a testbed file is changed, for use with docker-compose up
[Styles] Visual alignment of dismissible cookie notices and navbars
[Styles] Using footer components in various combinations
[Styles] Structure of the navbar pug include used in the testbed index
[Styles] Data attribute for cookie notice in testbed
[Styles] Inline favicon for testbed
[Styles] Fixing reference to OGL guidance
[Infrastructure] Tagged releases were not being deployed to the BAS CDN
[Styles] Footer OGL styles updated to work with the added governance statement, now single line
[Styles] Footer testbed samples updated
[Styles] Added index of sample collections to testbed index
[Styles] Tweaks to testbed index
[Infrastructure] (App) Docker image entry point set to Gulp instead of nothing
[Infrastructure] (Testbed) Docker image entry point set to Gulp instead of nothing
[infrastructure] Gulp call removed from cmd
, now done in entry point in (App) Docker image
[infrastructure] Gulp call removed from cmd
, now done in entry point in (Testbed) Docker image
[Infrastructure] (App) Docker Compose server set to run watch
task, for use with docker-compose up
[Infrastructure] (Testbed) Docker Compose server set to run watch
task, for use with docker-compose up
[Infrastructure] Updated to latest Terraform and Terraform provider versions
[Infrastructure] Updated to changed CDN and Packages Service bucket names
[Admin] Project documentation revised and updated
[Infrastructure] Switched to an ACM certificate for the testbed CloudFront distribution
[Infrastructure] Adopting latest Terraform conventions for DNS record TTLs
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