released this
17 Apr 18:23
Changed - BREAKING!
[Infrastructure] Switching from Less to Sass preprocessor - compiled css remains compatible
[Infrastructure] Gulp tasks heavily refactored
[Infrastructure] Switching from 'develop/master' to 'master/tagged-master' branching model
[Infrastructure] Semaphore CI/CD removed in favour of GitLab CI/CD
[Infrastructure] Terraform environments removed in favour of a single set of configuration files
Removed - BREAKING!
[Infrastructure] Ansible provisioning removed
[Style] Compiled CSS is no longer included in this project - download from the BAS CDN if this is needed
[Documentation] Style Kit documentation is now maintained in an external project
[Style] Page background and text colours are now explicitly listed as variables in this project (values are unchanged)
[Infrastructure] Docker support using a project image and Docker compose
[Infrastructure] Gulp tasks updated to support Docker workflow ('develop' task)
[Infrastructure] Testbed added, using isolated samples to develop and preview styles
[Infrastructure] SRI support for generated assets in a new 'process' CI stage
[Style] Using brand images and text together were previously incompatible, a fix class address this
[Style] Border radius on small/large form group inputs
[Style] Padding on input group buttons to match height of inputs
[Infrastructure] Wrong class name used for default buttons in testbed samples
[Infrastructure] Language statistics in GitHub
[Infrastructure] Names of BAS Package Service buckets
[Infrastructure] Correcting name of
[Style] Font Awesome updated to 4.6
[Style] Open-Sans web-font is now imported using its bundled Sass styles
[Infrastructure] Using CSSNano instead of MinifyCSS to minify CSS styles
[Infrastructure] README additions, improvements, refactoring and fixes
[Infrastructure] Updating NPM modules
[Infrastructure] Updating licensing file dates
[Infrastructure] Rsync related files, as these were never used as is now redundant due to Docker
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