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Scripts to assist with SCAR Antarctic Digital Database (ADD) releases


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SCAR Antarctic Digital Database (ADD) Release Scripts

Scripts to assist with SCAR Antarctic Digital Database (ADD) releases.


Note: This project is focused on needs within the British Antarctic Survey. It has been open-sourced in case it is of interest to others. Some resources, indicated with a '🛡' or '🔒' symbol, can only be accessed by BAS staff or project members respectively. Contact the Project Maintainer to request access.


To help speed up and simplify ADD releases by automating boring tasks.

Part of a wider aim to streamline and automate the ADD release workflow (#172) and more generally as a demonstration of the PDC-MAGIC Data Workflows project.


Note: These scripts are in a raw/scrappy form, without tests, a CLI or proper structure. If and as these tasks settle, efforts to formalise these tasks into a proper tool may be possible.

Features, bugs, etc. for these scripts are managed in the main ADD project.


Note: These scripts currently contain hard-coded file paths, specific to @felnne's laptop. In time this may become configurable but until then, you will need to review and adjust each script before running.

Note: To use these scripts you will need a Records Store.

Scripts should be run in this order (some scripts require other scripts to be run first):

  1. clone previous records
  2. set resource identifiers
  3. update collections
  4. clean up services
  5. set transfer options
  6. check transfer options
  7. fix citations
  8. set citations
  9. update dates
  10. check downloads

Additional scripts

Clone previous records

This script copies previous/current records for datasets that will be updated in an upcoming release into a folder.

Before running this script you will need to:

  • decide which datasets will be updated in the upcoming release

To run this script:

$ poetry run python src/add_scripts/clone_records

For information, this script will:

  • prompt for the next release version (e.g. '7.10')
  • prompt for the datasets that should be cloned (datasets that typically change are selected by default)
  • get the identifiers for current datasets listed in the ADD (core) collection
  • filter these against DATASETS_TO_CLONE
  • copy selected records into new records
  • removes identifiers and sets the file identifier and citation to a placeholder value
  • removes distribution options except services (which are assumed to roll over)
  • sets the edition to the upcoming release
  • sets the revisionOf related record to the source record
  • save cloned records as files
  • save a MarkDown formatted table 1 to act as a reference within the relevant release issue

Set resource IDs

This script sets the resource identifier of cloned records for datasets that will be updated in an upcoming release.

Before running this script you will need to:

  • have run the Clone Previous Records script
  • copy a completed table 1 from a release issue ('New ID' column MUST be filled in) into next_release/

To run this script:

$ poetry run python src/add_scripts/set_resource_id

For information, this script will:

  • load cloned records and index them by ADD Dataset Code
  • parse table 1 as a MarkDown formatted string (representing a table), indexed by ADD Dataset Code
  • set the file identifier and adds an identification identifier for each record based on the relevant 'New ID' value
  • save each record incorporating the first segment of the record identifier as a new record
  • delete the original cloned records (without the file identifier in the name)

Update collections

This script updates the ADD core and previous versions collections based on records that will form part of the upcoming release.

Before running this script you will need to:

To run this script:

$ poetry run python src/add_scripts/update_collections

For information, this script will:

  • load new records and index them by ADD Dataset Code
  • update the previous ADD (core) records collection items, to prepend the identifiers for any records that have been cloned
  • update the current ADD (core) collection items, to replace the identifiers for any records that have been cloned
  • update the metadata date stamp and increment the edition of the previous & current ADD records collections
  • save updated collections back to the records store

Clean up services

This script checks records in the previous versions collection and removes any service based distribution options from any records it contains.

When datasets are replaced, the older record needs updating to remove any services it may have listed, as ADD services only relate to current datasets, represented by the current (core) ADD collection.

Before running this script you will need to:

To run this script:

$ poetry run python src/add_scripts/clean_services

For information, this script will:

  • load records contained in the previous ADD (core)
  • check if a record contains distribution options relating to a service, and if so removes them
  • update the metadata date stamp for any record that is updated and save the record back to the records store

Set transfer options

This script sets distribution options (downloads) in each record in the upcoming release.

Before running this script you will need to:

  • have run the Set Resource IDs script
  • copy a completed table 2 from a release issue into next_release/

Existing distribution options will not be removed or duplicated, meaning it should be safe to run this script multiple times.

Note: This script only supports GeoPackage and Zipped Shapefile as distribution formats.

Note: It is assumed all transfer options recorded in table 2 are files deposited with the PDC, and so hard-codes the PDC contact as the distributor role.

To run this script:

$ poetry run python src/add_scripts/set_transfer_options

For information, this script will:

  • load new records and index them by ADD Dataset Code
  • parse table 2 as a MarkDown formatted string (representing a table), indexed by resource/record identifier
  • process this information into distribution options, including format, transfer option (size and URL) and distributor
  • append distribution options to each record
  • save new records

Check transfer options

This script checks transfer options in each record in the upcoming release have unique URLs, to detect errors from other tasks. This script will also check for any download proxy URLs without an artefact specified.

This script is only a check, if it finds problems they will be listed (but not fixed).

Before running this script you will need to:

To run this script:

$ poetry run python src/add_scripts/check_transfer_options

For information, this script will:

  • load new records and index them by ADD Dataset Code
  • extract transfer option URLs and format media types for each record
  • create a list of (record_id, transfer_url, transfer_media_type) tuples for all transfer options in all new records
  • for each transfer_url find the number of times it appears in any tuple
  • if more than once, store the indexes of each matching tuple (e.g. 1st and 7th list index)
  • for each set of matching tuples, add to a dict indexed by transfer_option
  • check whether each transfer_url points to the Download Proxy, and if so, has an artefact specified
  • report on any duplicate or incomplete URLs found

Fix citation

This script fixes and updates citations to remove duplicate information (version) and add additional guidance. Updated citations are saved back into table 3 for use by the Set Citation script.

For example a citation:

Gerrish, L. (2024). High resolution vector polygon seamask for areas south of 60S - VERSION 7.10 (Version 7.10) [Data set]. NERC EDS UK Polar Data Centre.

Is updated to:

Gerrish, L. (2024). High resolution vector polygon seamask for areas south of 60S (Version 7.10) [Data set]. NERC EDS UK Polar Data Centre.

If using for a graphic or if short on space, please cite as 'Data from the SCAR Antarctic Digital Database, 2024.'

Note: line breaks are shown in the above example for legibility, real output uses \n\n as a single line.)

Before running this script you will need to:

  • have run the Set Resource IDs script
  • copy a completed table 3 from a release issue into next_release/
$ poetry run python src/add_scripts/fix_citation

For information, this script will:

  • load new records and index them by ADD Dataset Code
  • parse table 3 as a MarkDown formatted string (representing a table), as a list of rows
  • for each row, get the edition value from the record it relates to (based on resource ID)
  • for each row, update the citation field to remove duplicate edition/version clause
  • for each row, update the citation field to include additional guidance text
  • save an updated MarkDown formatted table 3 to act as a reference within the relevant release issue

Set citation

This script sets the citation and ads an identifier for a DOI in each record in the upcoming release.

Before running this script you will need to:

  • have run the Fix Citations script
  • have a corrected table 3 in next_release/

To run this script:

$ poetry run python src/add_scripts/set_citation

For information, this script will:

  • load new records and index them by ADD Dataset Code
  • parse table 3 as a MarkDown formatted string (representing a table), indexed by resource/record identifier
  • process this information into a DOI identifier and 'other citation details' elements
  • append the DOI identifier if not present and set the other citation details element
  • save new records

Update dates

This script updates the released and publication dates in each record in the upcoming release. It also updates the metadata datestamp.

All three dates will be set to the current time. UTC is always used (so in the summer will appear as 1 hour behind).

Before running this script you will need to:

To run this script:

$ poetry run python src/add_scripts/set_dates

For information, this script will:

  • load new records and index them by ADD Dataset Code
  • set or update the publication date to the current date and time for each record
  • set or update the released date to the current date and time for each record
  • set the metadata datestamp for each record
  • save each updated record

Check downloads

This script verifies DOIs resolve to a Data Catalogue item page and that any file downloads its related record contains match the artefacts for the upcoming release.

Note: Only all transfer options relating to files deposited with the PDC are verified by this script.

Downloads are verified by calculating SHA1 checksums of reference files and downloaded files from catalogue records.

This script does not verify specific downloads for each download (yet).

Before running this script you will need to:

  • have run the Set Resource IDs script
  • copy a completed table 3 from a release issue into next_release/
  • copy artefacts from the ADD working directory into next_release/aretfacts/

To run this script:

$ poetry run python src/add_scripts/check_downloads

For information, this script will:

  • generate a list
  • parse table 3 as a MarkDown formatted string (representing a table), indexed by resource/record identifier
  • derive a list of DOIs from the table
  • make a HTTP request for each DOI, extracting the Data Catalogue item ID (file identifier) from the location header
  • make a HTTP request for each ISO 19115 XML record and parse the response as XML
  • select all distribution option transfer URLs within each XML document, giving a list of URLs
  • filter URLs to select only those relating to GeoPackage/Shapefile downloads served from the PDC Ramadda instance
  • download all URLs to a directory, skipping files that have been previously downloaded
  • calculate the SHA1 hash of each file in the reference files directory and downloaded files directory
  • compare the reference and downloaded hashes as sets to detect any differences, returning a message if there are
  • save a MarkDown formatted table 4 to act as a reference within the relevant release issue

Convert records to local store

This script copies each record in the upcoming release into a folder named after it's resource ID. The script does not modify the contents of a record, only the file of a file containing it.

This is intended for including records within the Records Store.

Note: This is an experimental script and may be removed or revised.

Before running this script you will need to:

To run this script:

$ poetry run python src/add_scripts/x_convert_to_store

For information, this script will:

  • load new records and index them by ADD Dataset Code
  • save each record into a folder based on their resource ID (file_identifier) only

Convert records from local store

This script copies files taken from the Records Store into a folder for the next/upcoming release. The script does not modify the contents of a record, only the file of a file containing it.

This is the opposite of the convert records to local store script.

WARNING! This will overwrite any files in next_release/records where their titles match.

Note: This is an experimental script and may be removed or revised.

Before running this script you will need to:

  • copy one or more records from the Records Store into next_release/records_store/

To run this script:

$ poetry run python src/add_scripts/x_convert_from_store

For information, this script will:

  • load records from a folder
  • save each record into the folder for the next release, named to include the relevant ADD code and title summary


Each task is currently structured as its own module, within the add_scripts package.

Some common functions, enums and variables are defined in

Records store

A store of catalogue records, typically a folder under version control. A store must:

  • be available as ./records relative to the root of this project (symlink's are ok)
  • contain a ./records subdirectory containing a flat list of record configs as JSON files (e.g. /records/records/abc123.json)

Note: The records bulk-export command from the data catalogue can be used to dump out record configs.

Note: It is strongly recommended that this store be under version control, so you can easily see, and if needed revert, changes to records made by these scripts.

Conventional folders

An output/working folder is used for storing cloned and updated records named next_release.

Note: It is strongly recommended that this folder be under version control, so you can easily see, and if needed revert, changes to records made by these scripts (next_release is ignored from this project's own Git repo).

This folder is distinct from:

  • the ADD release working folder in the MAGIC OneDrive (though this may be used directly in future)
  • the Records Store (which contains all records)

Records will be:

  • manually copied from, and possibly to, this output folder and the OneDrive working folder, to allow others to update them
  • automatically copied to, and manually from, this output folder into the Records Store, to store them alongside other records

The next_release folder contains:

  • records/: records named using ADD codes for easy identification
  • records_store/: records named using file identifiers only for compatibility with Records Stores
  • table*.md: various tables used as part of the ADD release issue/workflow

See OUTPUT_BASE in the definition of this path in code.


You will need Python and Poetry installed locally to set this project for use locally.

$ git clone
$ cd add-release-scripts
$ poetry install


Code formatting

All source code should be run through the Ruff code formatter:

$ poetry run ruff --format src/

Project maintainer

British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Mapping and Geographic Information Centre (MAGIC). Contact

The project lead is @felnne.


Copyright (c) 2022 - 2024 UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), British Antarctic Survey (BAS).

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Scripts to assist with SCAR Antarctic Digital Database (ADD) releases







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