Treehouse Project 11 - Build a Course Rating API With Express
REST API using Express. The API will provide a way for users to review educational courses: users can see a list of courses in a database; add courses to the database; and add reviews for a specific course.
AngularJS single page application will consume this RESR API. The AngularJS application includes views to display a list of courses, display the details for a course including reviews and ability to post/delete a review, create or update a course, register a user, and login a user.
REST API will include two main resources, “courses” and “users”, containing the following routes:
- GET - Returns a list of courses
- POST - Creates a course
- GET - Returns a single course
- PUT - Updates a course
- POST - Creates a review for the specified course
- DELETE - Deletes a review
- POST - Creates a user
- GET - Returns the current user
$ git clone
$ cd course-rating-api
$ npm i
$ npm start
[Mongo Basics] (
[User Authentication with Express and Mongo] (
[Node.js Documentation] (
Mongoose Schemas (including Virtuals)