Who : Anna
What : Tech student and aspiring fullstack developper
Where : Ada Tech School
Why : Because coding is exasperating nerve-wracking fun and overall a valuable and flexible tool that simplifies life.
Works I'm proud of :
- QuantifiedAmy
- QuantifiedAmy 2.0
- this ReadME
Works in progress :
- RandomFit (Spring Boot / Angular / web app)
First "Hello, World !" : in R language, during a NLP class (linguistics master's program). NLP: natural-language processing
What I'm looking for :
- "la science infuse"
- an apprenticeship
What I bring to the table :
- an insatiable thirst for learning
- occasional bad jokes
- Javascript/Python/Java
- React/HTML/CSS/Tailwind/Bootstrap
- PostgreSQL/SQLite
- bad coffee
How to reach me : gitfb.reenter889@passmail.net (suggestions, ideas, apprencticeship-offers, feedbacks, jokes, memes, apprencticeship-offers, confessions... all welcomed)