I'm a Software Engineer passionate about everything in technology. Welcome to my corner of GitHub, where I showcase my projects and contributions.
- Programming Languages: Python, Java, SQL, T-SQL, R, Bash, C, C++, C#, .Net, XML
- Frameworks & Libraries: PySpark, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Tensorflow, Keras, BeautifulSoup4, Spring Boot, Maven
- Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, NodeJS, SASS, Tailwind, REST APIs, jQuery, JSON, AJAX
- Databases: Oracle PL/SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server Management Studio, MongoDB, Athena, S3
- Cloud: Amazon Web Services (S3, Glue, Athena, QuickSight, Lambda, CloudWatch, EC2, Sage Maker, Cognito, IAM, Amplify, RDS, Redshift)
- Collaboration Tools: Git, GitHub, Subversion, Gitlab, Bitbucket, Jira, Confluence
- Data Engineering/Visualization: Enterprise Data Management (Markit EDM), Spark, Splunk, Tableau, PowerBI, Snowflake
- Tools & Platforms: AWS, Git, Jira, Salesforce, Docker, WinSCP, AppDynamics, OAuth Swagger, Postman, Tomcat, Kafka
- Course management MVC app built using Spring Boot and JPA, implemented REST APIs for CRUD
- Leveraged Java Persistence API (JPA) to establish a robust and scalable data persistence layer
- Modeled and mapped entities for courses, ensuring efficient storage and retrieval from the underlying database
- React web application to create a To-do list which allows users to add, remove and checkout completed items
- Utilized React Hooks, such as useState and useEffect, for efficient state management within functional components
- Developed unit tests using Jest and React Testing Library to ensure the correctness of components and validate the behavior
- Implemented a Neural Network to find handwritten digits with 80% accuracy using Tensorflow and Keras
- Preprocessed data with normalization and reshaped it to prepare the handwritten digit images for input to the neural network
- Systematically tuned hyperparameters, including learning rates, batch sizes, and regularization terms, to enhance performance
- LinkedIn: ankittejyadav
- Website: ankittejyadav.github.io
Software Engineering, Data Analysis, Data Engineering