This project allows you to search for any movie on the OMDB API ( in order to nominate them. You can nominate up to 5 movies! Enjoy Nominating 😉.
You can nominate movies by clicking this link: The Shoppies
Here you can check out the server side view of GraphiQL: GraphiQL
Accidentally left your page? No worries, this app saves all your nominations ;)
For a delightful user experience, I implemented buffering when movies are being loading, disabling the Nomination button when a movie has been nominated, adding/deleting nominations, and transitions!
Auto Complete allows you to find the title of your movie, even if you do not remember!
Node.js 14.15.3
React.js 4.0.1
Redux ^4.1.0
Axios ^0.21.1
Express ^4.17.1
GraphQL ^15.5.0
Apollo/Client ^3.3.16
Shopify Polaris
TypeScript ^4.2.4