This program is written in C which is an implementation of Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm to find the largest prime number & also print the count within the given range. This project has two different source codes (sieve.c & segemented_sieve.c) which are two different approaches of this algorithm & have different output performance.
To run this program, open any of the two source codes in any IDE with gcc compiler. Change the defined constant
(line-7) as per your choice of input range within which you want to check the largest prime number & run the
program. The time taken to calculate and print the output will depend on the range of input provided by the user.
I have implemented the aforesaid algorithm alongwith some personal modifications so as to reduce the
output time to every millisecond.
The first approach (sieve.c) uses the normal approach of the algorithm and it is capable to calculate prime
numbers up to 1.3 billion and this approach is faster than the other one. But, it takes a lot more memory
compared to segmented_sieve approach. The segemented_sieve approach consumes much less memory and it can
calculate even up to more than 2 billion. It is bit slower than the first approach.
Calculated number - 1299999983 (check screenshots)
Time taken - 27.672s
1. Calculated number - 1299999983
Time taken - 34.907s
2. Calculated number - 1999999973
Time taken - 54.924s